My first OMG I am smaller moment!

on 4/26/11 8:31 pm
So, everyone at work is telling me I need smaller clothes, that the ones I'm wearing make me look dumpy.  My shirts at a 3X/4X and my pants range in size from 22 to 26.  So, I went to wally world to pick up shirts (and undies, since those were sagging too).  I don't try clothes on, never have...I thought I was being optimistic by choosing 2X shirts and size 9 undies.  The shirts are a bit big (hoping they shrink in the wash a bit) and the size 9's...well let's just say they might start calling me droopy drawers!  I'm so excited about this, cause on my weight roller coaster before surgery, even dropping a lot of weight, I still needed to buy big shirts because my shoulders are so wide (big, Polish, manly shoulders!)

Right now, I'm in a good place.  Today is our work place Biggest Loser weigh in.  I'm hoping the scale their is favorable.  My scale says I dropped 5 pounds!

Later peeps!


Live Long and Prosper  \ V / ,
on 4/26/11 8:45 pm - Cottage Grove, MN
Wonderful feeling isn't it? Good for you!
on 4/26/11 8:56 pm is an amazing feelilng~
(deactivated member)
on 4/26/11 9:19 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
Don't wait until the grannie pants fall down around your ankles to go two sizes smaller!!!
on 4/27/11 3:09 am - Mt. Pleasant, MI
Lynn... how did you get your avatar to switch like that??  so cool and you look GREAT!!!
~Susan~    HT 5'6"
HW 278 / PRE-OP 270 / SW 260 / CW 197/ GW 150
   WOOHOOO!!!!  I AM 60.8% TO MY GOAL WEIGHT!!!!!
"Be the change you want to see in the World" - Ghandi
(deactivated member)
on 4/27/11 5:52 am - Santa Cruz, CA
I really don't know how that works;  I had a computer-savy friend do it for me!!!

And I thank you very much!
on 4/26/11 11:25 pm - Raleigh, NC
I noticed that you said that you never try clothes on before buying.  I bet that you'll soon change that habit because you'll love the way you look and feel in clothes.  I found that I am much more particular about how my clothes fit now!  Best of luck to you!!!
on 4/27/11 2:30 am
Congrats!!! :)  How exciting!!  I am really happy for you - and just think - this is just the beginning of those "OMG" moments!

“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces, while regret weighs tons.? - Jim Rohn   
"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." - Bill Cosby

(17 lbs lost pre-op)
on 4/27/11 3:48 am
I had to reply to this, because the smaller underwear size, I can so relate to.  Right before I had my surgery, I was doing CPR on some unfortunate person at work (work in a hospital) and I was on my 5th or 6th round of compressions standing on a stool and all I could think was - not about the poor soul I was working on - but OMG my underwear are about down to my knees.  Can anyone tell??  LOL
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