Help, Help, Please Help!!!

on 5/13/11 9:21 am
Ok here's my problem, I finally have a date of July 6 and need to lose at least 20 pounds. I meet with my doctors dietian on May 19th and she will talk with me about everything nutrition for the gastric bypass. The problem I'm having now is I can't seem to stop eating bad. I thought once I found out my date and how I needed to lose 20 pounds it would be easy, boy was I wrong. I am truly struggling with this and I need any advice in getting this 20 pounds off before my date. Please help!
(deactivated member)
on 5/13/11 9:38 am, edited 5/13/11 9:39 am

The first thing you need to do is stop beating yourself up... What your going through is completely normal in fact I've heard people call it "the last supper syndrome". Not only are you already dealing with an addiction but what's ahead of you is scary and food is how you cope with emotions like that. Now on top of all of that your probably thinking you want to eat this one meal or item just one more time because you'll never be able to eat it again. So give yourself some credit for pushing ahead and just let it go when you screw up.


You can lose that twenty pounds but you have to believe in yourself and let go of the fear that you'll never get there. It's going to take time, you've got to remain focused and not only learn to let it go when you eat something your not supposed to but learn to be proud of yourself every time you make the right decision. Most people who are overweight know all there is to know about nutrition because they have tried every diet there is so this isn't a physical battle it's a mental one. I'm sure you know the right choices to make nutrition wise just as well as you know the bad choices and the last thing you need is nutritional advice.


So start slow make yourself work out twice this week and for every bad choice you make when eating make three good ones and of course make sure they are of equal value. As time goes on and you've accomplished going to the gym or working out twice a week for a few weeks move it up to three times a week and the same thing with eating. Once you start to see the weight come off it will motivate you to set your goals higher. Anyway you can do this just keep telling yourself that... Good Luck!

Amy R.
on 5/13/11 10:07 am, edited 5/12/11 10:09 pm
for every bad choice you make when eating make three good ones and of course make sure they are of equal value

I just had to tell you - I LOVE THAT!! That is such a neat way to look at things. Thanks Bree!


ETA: Good luck onetopmason! You CAN do this! Many times I have thought that the pre-op part of this whole journey is by far the most difficult.
(deactivated member)
on 5/13/11 9:58 am - NY
My surgeon gave me a choice of either 4 protein shakes a day or 2 shakes and a small to moderate meal. I chose the second. I bought the Adkins Advantage protein shakes, because they had a ton of flavors and weren't that expensive and they were really good. I would have those for breakfast and lunch. Then at dinner, I usually had a greek salad.  I also stayed away from all alcohol, which was a big part of my weight gain, when I drank I got hungry. My surgery was on a monday so the friday before I stopped the salads and went to all liquids.
You can do it, If you feel you need to eat then try weigh****chers for the time being. Good luck and have faith in yourself.
on 5/13/11 10:31 am
Thank you so much Bree and Mudlovinme. It feels so good to know that there's people on here that really care about you weight loss success. You don't know how much both of your messages are motivating. I will keep you posted on my progress, and thanks again.
on 5/13/11 10:33 am
Thank you Amy R.
on 5/13/11 10:58 am
My bariatric center puts us on Optifast.  7 shakes, soups, bars per day.  Free food = 1 cup of lettuce OR green peppers OR celery OR cucumbers per day,  2 cups of SF jello,  1 sF popcicle per day1200 calories.  I am on this diet for 6 weeks.  The first 2 weeks I lost 15 lbs.  I am not hungry,  I sometimes only do 6 Optifast and never eat all of the free food allowed daily.



on 5/13/11 4:14 pm
I've been thinking of starting the protein shakes but didn't know if I should. I think it would work for me so I'll give it a try.
(deactivated member)
on 5/13/11 7:31 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
The protein shakes will help keep you from being hungry.  Eliminate all the white  foods (rice, pasta, bread, potatoes) from your diet.  Clean out your cupboards, too.  That way you can avoid the temptation in the middle of the night!

Use protein for breakfast, a high-protein & complex carb lunch, and a sensible meal at dinner.  Use protein shakes or bars for snacks if you really need them, say for coffee break or in the evening.

You can do this.

Good luck.
on 5/13/11 11:53 pm - MD
The Optifast is actually a good plan I was on it once and lost 6 lbs in a week. We could eat all the veggies we wanted but I added a baked fish to mine for dinner.. No carbs at all. Lunch was the Optifast soup and salad with vinegar dressing..

Good Luck
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