
on 5/15/11 10:13 am
 It is one month 5 days from my surgery and I am so nervous. I would love any suggestions, Ideas, support. I am planning to go back to work  2 days after my surgery as I am the only income in my home. I work from home and take incoming calls doing data support and My physician seems to think it will be fine. I do have a few questions
1) do I need a scale. During some diets we are not supposed to weigh so I do not have one
2) should I be on a diet before my surger I see people mentioning them but my dr has not put me on one
3) I read about a tube I would have to drain my stomach after the surgery. Anyone else had one?
4) anything that will help suggestions or advice welcome. I am so nervous! 
on 5/15/11 10:25 am - Jeffersonville, IN
I bought a food scale to help me measure food. I have no "eyeing" abilities what so ever. I did have a drain, and I hated every minute of it. But, it comes out soon enough. I'd ask your doctor if he will use a drain, as many surgeons do not. I've read on here where some people only come out with steri strips over their incisions. I guess it depends on your surgeon. I will tell you the nerves are normal. Mine really kicked in as they wheeled me back to OP room, so be sure and ask for some nerve meds before hand.
I work in a call center and I went back to work 1 month after. I had a hard go of it at first though. Everyone is different. You need to focus on YOU though!
~Sharon Marie

on 5/15/11 12:40 pm - Yarmouth, ME
My surgery date is in a little over 2 months and now that I've finally got a date I'm starting to get the jitters too.  I've had a few nights that I had a lot of trouble falling asleep because I just couldn't stop thinking about the surgery.  I just want to be as prepared as possible.  I've been posting in the forums and journaling and I think it's helping to ease this, though.

In partial answer to one of your questions (#2): I know every program/surgeon is different, and I definitely don't want to add to your worries, but I had to take 3 nutrition classes and met one-on-one with a nutritionist to lose pre-op weight and learn how to eat both before and after surgery.  They gave me a three-ring-binder of information - everything I need to know about surgery and how I'll need to eat for the pre-op diet (2 weeks before surgery), and the 3 different diet stages after surgery.  I had to take a test on it and everything before I could meet with the surgeon.  If you are scheduled for surgery, I would definitely ask your doctor if you'll need to be on any specific diet for the week or two before surgery.

I hope that helps!
~Amy   165 lbs down!  My journey on YouTube:

on 5/16/11 2:09 am
 Yes it greatly helps. I have trouble falling asleep also. I lay and daydream about buying regular clothes and doing things with my husband and family that I have not been able to do. I blog on my website and have a few supportive friends on face book. 

  I am expecting some paperwork in the mail from the dr with preop instructions and a packet to fill out so i am going to wait until I recieve it to worry about what needs to be done. If I do not get the answers I am looking for there I will call and make a pre op  appointment. Thanks for the advice. I never considered a food scale but now that goes on my list also. I am so excited and nervous and extremly ready to make the changes. In fact today when I had breakfast I ate less than half what I normally do and was full. I wonder if my mind is preparing for the change for me. I can't wait to be less of a woman than I am today. Thanks for the support and answers and best of luck to ya'll
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