Tell me this is normal...

on 5/17/11 1:13 am
I have been keeping a journal of what I am eating and I have been getting in all my protein and water... I have not lost any weight in 9 days... I had my appt yesterday and they were happy to see that 100% of my weight loss was from body fat, 0 came from muscle mass, but when I got on the scale today and saw the same #s as yesterday, I just wanted to cry! UGH!!!
Carrie W.
on 5/17/11 1:23 am - KY
I'm 7 weeks out and had a 4 week stall. It happens. The weight will come off. Just stick to your plan and you'll be fine.
on 5/17/11 1:33 am - Malmstrom AFB, MT
UGGHH! FOUR WEEKS? I'd have gone on a rampage by now! You must be Mother Theresa to have the patience to put up with THAT! I am on Day 10 of a stall (at 8wks out) and I'm ready to kill somebody if I don't see some changes soon. I'm tracking my food, getting my fluid and protein, and exercising - so WHAT GIVES, PEOPLE?! I'm not complaining - I've never lost 40lbs without giving birth to a 9 or 10lb BABY, so I'm thrilled to death to have lost that much, but I'm ready for more!!

Thanks for sharing this, I know the vets don't like to see it, but it's how we feel. And if that's how we feel, then it's VALID, it's legitimate, and even if we just address it amongst ourselves, it feels better to know you aren't alone.
RNY March 21, 2011!! I'm feeling great!!
Busy Mommy of 4, Proud USAF Wife, Quilter, and TRIATHLETE!!               
Carrie W.
on 5/17/11 1:53 am - KY
Well, I call it a stall.  I actually gained 5lbs during my TOM and I've lost that but I'm not any lighter now than I was at 3 weeks out.  I eat my protein and drink my water and I'm walking 2 miles a day.  I'm doing what I'm supposed to and I trust that it will come off.  I am a bit discouraged but ....  what can I do?  There have been many people here give advice on breaking a stall but none of it jives with my plan so I haven't done any of it. 

It took me 20 years to get to this size.  While I rarely made good food choices before surgery, I also didn't over eat much either.  I was pretty sure going into this that I would be a slow loser.  Some of my weight problem is hereditary too.  Also I have always put on muscle really fast and I can already tell that the walking has bulked my calves up.  Maybe I'm losing fat but not lbs because I've put some muscle on? 

So ... 
on 5/17/11 1:51 am
It probably is how the vets felt when they were newbies too! It is amazing the diet changes I have made and the healthy food I never would have touched before... Please please please body give up the fat already!!!!!
on 5/17/11 2:15 am - Malmstrom AFB, MT
Are ya'll measuring? I have been noticing that the numbers for my measurements are going down - so SOMETHING is happening. My clothes are looser, I can fit clothes I haven't worn in years. SOMETHING is happening. Is it just that it's not the SOMETHING I WANT to be happening? That's what it is. But I'd JOYFULLY be a 200lb sz 8! So maybe we're so busy wishing into one hand that we don't see that the other is overflowing with exactly what we want. I am kind of freaked out that JEANS that fit before still fit me (they fit better, but they aren't falling down).

RNY March 21, 2011!! I'm feeling great!!
Busy Mommy of 4, Proud USAF Wife, Quilter, and TRIATHLETE!!               
Carrie W.
on 5/17/11 2:19 am - KY
I haven't been measuring but my clothes do fit better.  I'm still wearing the same jeans though they try to run away if I don't have a hand free to hold them up.  I still can't fit the next size down though so for now I'm just baggy.  I am wearing t-shirts that I haven't worn in 10 years! 
on 5/17/11 2:24 am
I am 2 pant sizes down and those are baggy!!! That is exciting, but come on scale...
Suzanne Gottschalk
on 5/17/11 2:46 am - Columbia, MO
I am having surgery 6/7 so all of this talk is so uplifting. I appreciate everyone's courage on this thread to be honest and candid about their weight loss! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
on 5/17/11 3:02 am - Malmstrom AFB, MT
@Suzanne - I think it's better for you to see the REAL journey. Since my surgery, some days are the best days of my life but some really aren't that great! Stalls are normal, but they are frustrating and can really make you question yourself, your food choices, and your decision to have the surgery in the first place.

Good luck to you, this is a great group of people!
RNY March 21, 2011!! I'm feeling great!!
Busy Mommy of 4, Proud USAF Wife, Quilter, and TRIATHLETE!!               
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