
on 5/17/11 10:23 am - Williams, AZ
Can anyone tell me when they stopped caffeine before surgery. I only drink a 1/2 cup of coffee a day. My husband talked to someone at his work who just had the surgery 1 month ago and she said she had complications due to the caffeine. She stopped it 2 wks prior to surgery. He said I need to stop at least 4 mo's before.
on 5/17/11 10:37 am
 I stopped caffiene as soon as I decided to get the surgery and had the information that I shouldn't drink caffiene after the surgery (the same goes for soda, sugary foods, ect.). I decided that if I couldn't have it after surgery, that I might as well get used to not having those things, so that the "diet" after surgery wouldn't be hard to get used to. I think by cutting out those things pre-op and focusing on protein and then veggies, really helped prepare me for after surgery. My surgeon never gave guidelines for when to stop things like that. The nutrionist/dieticion (I'm not sure which she was) gave a list of habbits to change and said to pick three to focus on and once those were changed, then to work on more. This really helped and some things on the list were a food diary, cutting back or eliminating things from my diet, ect. 
Valery A.
on 5/17/11 11:19 am - Johns Creek, GA
I tried to stop about a month out- I was down to about a half cup coffee in the morning when I went I had surgery.  I have heard where some people say you don't have to quit caffeine. My Nut didn't really think it was necessary, but I wanted to give up caffeine to avoid the caffeine withdraw  headaches immediately post op. Well, as it is the only real pain I had post op that required pain meds was my headaches- never really had any incision/gas/internal pain.  I haven't started back since, and I feel great without it.  Occasionally I will make my protein shakes with a little instant decaf to give mocha type taste and cut down on the sweetness.
Ready to be a Loser
Things dont change, we do  - Henry David Thoreau
on 5/17/11 11:21 am
I'm now allowed caffeine per my surgeon! YAY!!

  WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!  LET'S GET HEALTHY!     STARTING WEIGHT 211.8, SURGERY 23 MAR 11; ONEDERLAND 30 MAR 11 199.2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

on 5/17/11 11:16 pm - Mohegan Lake, NY
I didn't stop caffeine at all before surgery but I wasn't hooked on it any more either.
on 5/17/11 11:21 pm - IL
I stopped one month before surgery.  I am so glad I did because it was rough.  I had been consuming tons and tons of caffeine every day.  It took 3 wks before I felt better.  Healing from surgery is challenging enough without having to deal with caffeine withdrawal.  However, it doesn't sound like you drink enough to make you feel too bad if you don't stop before surgery.
Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.     

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