what's up with some of the negative comments on posts

on 5/24/11 2:40 pm - Canton, OH
Have you notice there have been some new people posting into some people threads like the horrors of having surgery. They have a link to a blog one of their post and how the rny kilss 1 out of 50 patients and at the top of the  blog page has this "This is the next phase in fat acceptance. The days of justifying our fatness by lying and saying we have a mysterious genetic or metabolic disorder are over. We now freely admit to and embrace what the fat haters would call gluttony. We fatlings are no longer apologists for our size nor our greedy gluttony. We are fat because we eat huge amounts of food and we like it. If you don't like it get used to it because fat people are now the overwhelming majority"  I was all excited and happy to be having surgery next month but now this person is really starting to freak me out.
Lady Lithia
on 5/24/11 2:47 pm
There are people who are anti-WLS and pro-fat who are trying to spread disinformation

RNYDisaster seems to feel all bent out of joint because supposedly this person wasn't told they would die when they had the surgery....so when it killed them, they've been royally pissed off and posting about it in a total fury

Of course you can't post if you're dead (I don't think) so I don't really think this is that person's real beef.

Sure.... WLS... just like obesity, CAN kill you

Some people are on the verge of death due to their obesity, and take the last stab at life by having the surgery....and some don't make it. A much MUCH smaller percentage of folks who have the surgery, who are nowhere near death due to their obesity also win (or rather lose) the lottery of bad luck and die ..... but often these are folks who would have died if they had knee surgery, or gallbladder surgery, or heart surgery, or surgery on their big toe under general anaesthetic.

And then, there are all those folks who are run over by stampeding giraffes on their way to or from the hospital to have the surgery.

These folks even like to cite "statistics" that "prove" that you are more likely to be murdered if you have the surgery (NOT true)

I'm a statistician, and I just love watching the way they twist the numbers to "prove" their claims.

Be INFORMED before having surgery, KNOW the risks, and then make an informed educated decision. This is for LIFE, and nobody should make it lightly.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 5/24/11 2:55 pm - Canton, OH
Thank you. I agree with you. I have an excellent surgen who just repaired my husbands hernia. The risks of surgery were the same for that as is with the rny. The real risk lies with the anestesia itself. No matter what it is risky to put people under. There were risks when i had my two c section they were considered major surgery even though i was not completely under. You can die from an infected paper cut or a dog bite. There are risks in everyday life. Look at how many people die in car crashes. Should we not drive because of that risk. Sorry I'm just irratated by these people trying to scare me.
on 5/24/11 2:55 pm
 I read that blog, or at least as much as I could stomach.  This person has absolutely no scientific data to back his claims.  If you read the comments apparently they are encouraging each other to troll sights like OH.  
If someone has some info on this surgery or any other I will listen to them.  Show me the studies, the medical journals.  But don't put on some home made You Tube video with who knows who starring in it (don't know for sure, I didn't bother to watch it) and say this proves the surgery is dangerous.
To me these people are no different then the idiots at Westboro church, spreading  hate and lies and most of all fear.  Definitely warrants a block in my opinion.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 5/24/11 8:38 pm - FL

Seriously, if you are so freaked out by this, then maybe you should re-think your decision about having surgery.

This surgery is one of the biggest commitments you will ever make, so if you are not 100% convinced that you are ready to make the commitment, then I would suggest you put it on hold until you are positive you're ready.

As well, if you are easily freaked out by opinions expressed by those who so obviously have an alternative agenda, this may be a good time for you to do some work with a therapist to find out why you are affected to such an extent.

Wishing you a safe journey!!   
on 5/24/11 10:44 pm
No need to freak out.  I searched in Google and found the blog in question.  Reading it was kind of funny.  At first I though the "National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance" was some sort of joke. Sadly, it is not.

I can only speak for myself and relay to you my own experiences.  After all, when it comes to experience with surgery I have had only one -- my own -- so I am truly a "statistical universe of one."  That said, let tell you that I have lost ~173 lbs in just 7 months.  I now weigh 231 lbs.  At 6' 2" tall, people no longer view me as "fat" -- even though I am still losing and am ~45 lbs from my goal weight.

The difference between how I was treated before and how I am treated now by others in the general population is truly striking.  I no longer have to worry about the things the folks at the NAAFA are so worried about.  It does not affect me anymore.

If you have WLS, follow your program and lose you weight, you will likely see the same results.  People might discriminate against you unfairly for other reasons, but being seen as "fat" will not be one of them.

It may not be fair, but it is much easier to change the world's perception of you by changing your appearance than by changing the way they think.

on 5/25/11 12:15 am - Germantown, MD
 Man, I hope negativity stays off OH. Most view it as a support site, not as a place to push hate. There's a difference between "tough love" and hate. The haters get blocked, the "tough lovers" I take their advice with a big gulp of my pride. 

Shelly, you don't have to deal with people who have nothing positive to say. Keep happy & excited because you're doing this for you and not for some skewed stats or someone else's negative experience. Keep your eyes on the prize.

First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR  Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13(1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.


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