Need help Im sabatoging myself today!!!!!!!!!!!

on 5/26/11 10:22 am - Houston, TX
Ok I have realy been so stressed lately its not even funny. BUt Today hasn't even been a bad day I ate good all day long and then we go out to eat seafood for dinner and I went crazy!!!! I couldnt eat my grilled fish (dry and wasnt going down 1 st time) so then I ate 3 packs of crackers (club crackers), 1/2 cinnamon roll, a peppermint candy, then got home a said well I didnt dump off the cinnamon rol and have always thought I dumped because of 2 prior experiences, and Im like well hell I wanna see if I dump and ate a pack of mm's.

At the resturant I was like a crack head that just took a hit of crack cocaine or an alcoholic who had just had a drink. I dont want to go back to old habits I have work too hard for this. I know I have always felt like a food addict (next month June 27 I start a food addiction group)

Please help...
on 5/26/11 10:32 am - Natick, MA
You're human so give yourself a break! There will be times when we all screw up but tomorrow is a new day. Get right back on your plan and maybe add an extra workout so you don't feel guilty.

Highest weight = 272, surgery weight = 240, goal weight = 135   

on 5/26/11 2:30 pm
it is hard to avoid sweets when you discover you didn't dump.  Most of the time sugar doesn't bother me, once in awhile it will still hit me later.  I WISH sweets did bother me, it would make it easier to leave them alone. I find that once I start eating sweets it is hard to stop, so I know where you are coming from.  I am  20 months out and have lost 100 pounds, really close to my goal.,I know that if I leave the sweets alone I do better, and move toward my goal and If I eat sweets it sets me back, but I still eat them occassionally.  I find that making a fruit smoothiehelps me.  I make mine with frozen, no sugar added fruit, protien powder or sugar free, low fat yougurt. Blend until thick like Ice cream and eat slowly with a spoon.  That helps with the sugar cravings and keeps me on track.