Gained weight

on 5/31/11 6:27 am - Hazard, KY
I had the R-N-Y in 2004 and lost 241 lbs. But, in the past 2 to 3 years I have put on about 50 lbs. I have had trouble exercising due to bad knees and back. I had a knee replacement last summer but continue to have pain after walking and other excercise. Does anyone have any advice?
Cheryl Allan
on 5/31/11 7:21 am - Canada
How about swimming it is light on the joints and a great workout or join a water areobics class, your knees will thank :)
Cheryl Allan

HW...355......SW....322...CW 281

on 6/3/11 5:38 am - Hazard, KY
I might try that. I am hoping to be able to get back into walking after my next Dr. visit. I was walking 2-4 miles a day. And I have missed it. All the cares of the day seemed to melt away as I walked and thought.
on 5/31/11 7:38 am
keep a food diary and see where you are with eating.  go back to basics:  protein first, miminize carbohydrates (sugar, white flour etc)  lots of water, and do not drink with meals.
on 6/3/11 5:40 am - Hazard, KY
I have to start drinking more water and less of other beverages. I got away from eating as much protein when I developed a partial intestinal blockage a few moths ago. I just have to get back on track.
Diminishing Dawn
on 5/31/11 8:16 am - Windsor, Canada
Exercise is not the be all and end all for weight loss. It comes down to calories.  Your body needs a certain amount (basal metabolic rate) just for every day functions. Whatever it doesn't need, becomes your calorie surplus. 

So start by tracking your foods with or dailyplate or
Look at how many calories, fat, protein, carbs you are taking in.  You should be having way more protein than others. 


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 5/31/11 9:20 am
You've already gotten excellent advice!   :)   I recently experienced a small regain and had to get back to basics.  Tracking calories strictly every day, figuring out what I was doing wrong (in my case, it wasn't carbs - it was too much fat), and getting back to a calorie range that I was at when I was still losing.  I've lost most of my regain and I'm back at goal weight. 

You can do this!  You're not alone. 

Michelle    (OH member since 2004 - new user name)

HW 285 / SW 270 / GW 140 / LW 135 / CW 185

RNY 6/8/2009  
Starting size 26/28, now size 12/14

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."  -Hebrews 13:8

on 6/3/11 5:35 am - Hazard, KY
Your right I can do it. I have got into the bad habit of grazing. I just haven't felt well or slept well due to pain in the past year. and I didn't prepare my meals as I should have. Now, that I am offically retired from teaching after 33 years. It's time to get back to taking care of me!

Thanks for the words of encouragment. It helps coming from someon who has been there.
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