miserable post op week

on 6/4/11 6:52 am - lake cormorant, MS
I am 4 days post op and feel absolutely horrible.

I had a rough time awaking from surgery and ended up staying an extra day in the hospital. I have this drain on my right side that is driving me bonkers. (having to empty the drain makes me nauseous)

I have cramping in my stomach area and it really sucks. I have alot of pain below my left breast and where the drain port is.

I have heard it gets better but if I had know I would feel this bad I would have had second thoughts.

I woke up this morning crying I hurt so bad.
on 6/4/11 6:58 am - houston, TX
I totally understand your pain! My first week was pure hell! I hurt so bad, I couldn't breathe I regretted doing the surgery! I am now almost 3 weeks post op and I feel amazing. Take it day by day you will begin to feel better slowly but it will happen week 2 i really began to heal and feel better. Good Luck I will be praying for you!

  LilySlim Weight loss tickers
HW:322   CW:180   1st goal: 150    2nd goal:125-130(im a shorty)  

T. Deeds
on 6/4/11 7:25 am
I know how you feel!  I had my surgery 12 days ago and I was surprised at how terrible I felt after my surgery. I was really upset because everyone I spoke with minimized the pain.  I wish they had been honest and said that it really hurts, so I could have psychologically prepare myself for the pain. 

If your pain medications aren't working to control your pain,  could call your surgeon and they could put you on some better pain medications? 

Hang in there, it gets better!  I didn't need to take any pain medication at all today!  (I probably could have done without it for the last 2 days, but I wasn't ready to stop taking it).  :)

PS- The drain is really gross!  Do you have any nurse friends who can change it for you?  Or, can you get a visiting nurse to come and help with that? 


on 6/4/11 7:32 am - Houston, TX
I am so sorry you are feeling so bad.  RNY usually has minimal pain, except for the gas.  Until you work the gas out, you will experience pain.  The only thing you can do to work the gas out is walk, walk, walk.  It can take a week or so before it gets out.  Take your pain meds it helps to relax everything.

Hang in there.  It gets better.
Heather M.
on 6/4/11 7:37 am - MI

One thing the nurse told me at one of the preop meetings is to take your pain meds on a regular basis. Even if the next dose is coming up and you feel ok, take it. Don't wait until you feel pain. My doc gave me the liquid lortab and had me take it ever 4 hours rain or shine.

I only used it up to day 3, because by then I was feeling wonderful. I actually had a WONDERFUL recovery, I am on Day 11 now. Maybe something that contributed was that I was getting in my liquid and also walking walking walking.

I had no pain, no nasuea, no nothing. No vomiting, no diarheah, no anything. Day 3 I went for mini walks around my apartment's parking lot (very tiny only 3 buildings). I did this 3 times a day. The only thing I can think of is that the walking really helped.

Please hold on, stay strong. Remember this pain is 3-5 days in the making but it's worth it for a lifetime of health!!! Sending my prayeres your way.

on 6/4/11 7:42 am - Germantown, MD
 Not everyone's recovery is the same so just be patient with yourself and take your pain meds! I had a rough first few days, then bad gas for the first few weeks where I was EXTREMELY uncomfortable but out of pain meds & back to work..... Hopefully once your drain is removed you'll be in less pain. It is still worth it all, IMO.

First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR  Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13(1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.


on 6/4/11 7:53 am - Seward, AK
what worked way better for me was instead of pain meds was a muscle relaxer -Valium. Maybe talk to your doctor about that? For me as long as I had my muscle relaxers I didn't hurt and didn't need much for pain medications.

Hope you feel better soon!

Kristi D.
on 6/4/11 8:47 am - Buffalo, NY

I hope you feel better soon!!!  I had a rough first week also.  I had read about all these people who said that there was very little pain and they only took the pain meds for a few days, but unfortunately I did not have that kind of recovery.  I actually had to call my surgeon around day 6 and get a refill for the pain meds because I was still very uncomfotable.  Once the drain came out (at my 1 week follow-up) and I hit day 9 or 10 it was a world of difference.  I finally started to feel better.

I definately agree that if your pain meds aren't working well, you need to call your surgeon and get something different.  Sending healing vibes your way..........    :)



HW:276   SW:255   CW:201  LW:165  GW:140


on 6/4/11 9:21 am
I was fortunate. I didn't have a drain at all and my pain was minimal. The nurse at my surgeons office said to stay one step ahead of the pain and to take my pain medicine on time and not wait until I hurting. My friend had a different surgery (tummy tuck and breast lift) and came home with 2 drains and she had muscle relaxers and pain meds. She said the muscle relaxers helped her a lot more than just taking the pain meds. Maybe your surgeon will prescribe you some. Everyones recovery is different and those like me who said the pain was minimal weren't being dishonest we just fortunate with our recovery. It will get better with time. I hope you are feeling better soon.
on 6/4/11 9:29 am - CA
We're twins! I also had my surgery on May 31. I have also found myself crying in despair a few times...usually when I waited too long to take my pain meds. I HATE the liquid hydrocodone because it causes my stomache to cramp up. But I have decided to suck it up and take it regularly too keep away the utter misery that will surely come if I try to postpone my regular dose. My husband and son have taken to waking me at midnight and 6 am to be sure I don't sleep through my dose. It has made a HUGE difference!

As I mentioned, my stomach cramps fro about 10-15 minutes after taking the medicine. But about a half hour after taking it, I feel much better and make myself go for a nice stroll (I am up to about 20-30 minutes) then I sit up in a chair for a few minutes when I get back. Walking gets the gas moving and sitting up gets it to come out (much to the dismay of my children and relief of my husband-- he appears to enjoy having a fart partner).

My 9 yearold is in pain watching me go through this. But i keep reminding him (and myself) that it is a small amount invested for many years of good health and habits. This, too, shall pass. I don't think people minimize their pain when retelling their experience, I think we minimize our pain when it's over because the rewards have made it worth it! We can do this!!
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