
on 7/14/11 11:45 am - NJ
I am 2 and 1/2 weeks post op. I have six kids and my husband went to work on day 6 post op. I have tried to rest but it is impossible.
I lifted my daughter and had immediate severe burning around the incision site. It has notten gotten better in 7 days.
I feel like a basket of emotions. I am ready to cry at any moment. I am extremly moody!!!
I feel hungry and think I may be eating too much. I still don't think I feel full quick enough.
I never took pain meds after surgery but the pain is still really bad.
I have had 1 BM in 14 days

Any suggestions

(deactivated member)
on 7/14/11 12:04 pm - Santa Cruz, CA

You may have pulled a stitch.  Call your doctor.

Don't eat to feel full;  you may not have the full sensation postop.  Watch for your "high level alarm" and stop eating then.  You might find your nose starts to run when your pouch gets full;  some folks hiccup, others belch. When you get the sniffles, quit eating.

Get the big kids to help with the little kids. Maybe get some assistance by hiring a local teenager to help with the little ones??

Take your pain meds;  you don't get a medal for hurting. 

If you're not eating, you probably don't have anything to poop.  If you get uncomfortable, take some Milk of Magnesia or Miralix.

When you lose weight, your fat cells dump all the hormones that are stored there.  Your body is being flooded by these hormones--think MASSIVE PMS!!  Maybe you can get something from your OB-GYN to balance the floods of hormones.

Good luck.
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 7/14/11 12:05 pm - OH
If you are hurting, take the pain meds.  There is no need for you to suffer.  Your emotions are all over the place partly because your hormones are going crazy after surgery, but they may also be exacerbated because you are in pain.  Certainly it is difficult to rest when you are in pain as well, and we ALL get cranky and moody when we have not slept... and your body NEEDS the rest because you just had MAJOR internal surgery and your body is using a lot of energy to heal!

If you are eating/drinking the things and amounts called for in your surgeon's post-op eating plan, don't worry about how it FEELS... the nerves in your stomach have been cut and your whole system has been traumatized, so the signals you are getting -- or THINK you are getting -- from your body are pretty unreliable right now.  You migth not be able to eat as much as the plan says, but as long as you are not eating more, do not worry about it.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 7/14/11 12:06 pm - WI
Post Op is such a roller coaster of a time.  It is hard to try to balance everything. 
If you are still having pains around one of your incisions, I would have your surgeon check it.  I was told not to lift over 10lbs for 4 weeks.  
The emotion part is normal too.  You have gone through a major surgery and total change in life style and with losing weight your hormomes go off whack and wham...mood swings.  Try to take 15 minutes by yourself every day.  I know this is hard with kids (I have 4), but if you give yourself that time to walk down the block or take a break, you might feel better.
This early out it is important to stick to the guidelines your surgeon or NUT gave you for foods.  Types, measurements.  Stick with that and you will not be eating too much. 
If your pain is still really bad, call your surgeon.
And as far as the 1 BM in 14 days...been there.  Pump up your fluids as much as you can.

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