I'm back!!!!!!

Amanda H.
on 7/26/11 3:17 am - Indianapolis, IN
Some fo you may remember me but most of you probably don't.  I haven't been on here for a couple years.  During those two years I have gained 20 pounds.  This is clearly not something that I am proud of but I am glad I am getting back on track and not letting it go farther!!!  I have started drinking protein shakes, exercising, and not drinking with meal... I also have started back on my vitamins which I never should have gotten off of to begin with!!!  I hope I can stick with my new found zest for weight loss, maybe with the help of OH and my OH friends I can do this!!!!  Thanks for listening!!!!  You will be seeing a lot more of me!!!!  (Just a warning!!!!)


on 7/26/11 3:26 am
Welcome back! While i did not know you back then (I'm a newbie!) I would still like to support and encourage you!!!
Amanda H.
on 7/26/11 3:37 am - Indianapolis, IN
Thanks so much!!!!  And I shall be here for you as well!!!!

on 7/26/11 3:30 am
Welcome back!  I had my surgery the same year you did... Unfortunately I have experienced a weight gain as well.  I too was away from the boards for a while but I'm back!  How long are you planning to do liquids for?  Please let me know how it works out for you...

Good Luck and Welcome Back
Amanda H.
on 7/26/11 3:36 am - Indianapolis, IN
I originally planned on liquids for 2 days... but I might do three... Its really not as hard as I thought it would be and I am doing the liquids more to shrink my pouch.  I was able to eat way too much!!!  I just started yesterday so we will see... but I don't feel bad or hungry... so I might go a 3rd day.  I believe the protein shakes are really helping with the hunger.  Today is easier than yesterday, so tomorrow should be even easier!!! ( or so I hope)!!!

on 7/26/11 3:31 am - FL
Welcome back Amanda, i'm a newbie having surgery on aug.8, I know you can do it because you did it before. The OH freinds are great. I have gained soooo much info from my extended family. This is my six day on clear/fluid liquids, twelve more to go and i know i couldn't have made this far without all the knoweledge i have received. I look forward in seeing more from you.
Amanda H.
on 7/26/11 3:38 am - Indianapolis, IN
Thanks so much!!!  Congratulations and good luck on your up coming surgery!!!!

on 7/26/11 3:32 am - AL
Welcome back!  At least you are keeping it real.  Especially for us new people that need to know/remember that it can creep back up on you!  I have several friends/relatives that have had WLS and so I saw firsthand how they fell back into old habits and gained back a lot of weight.  Glad you are recognizing it before it gets too far and getting back on track.

                  "When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180             
Amanda H.
on 7/26/11 3:43 am - Indianapolis, IN
Thanks so much!!!  I really hated the way I was feeling after just 20 pounds!!!!  And frankly I was becoming a hermit again!!!  I was not going to let myself get back in to that cycle... you dont feel good about yourself so you stay home then you eat and it makes you feel worse so then you really dont feel like doing anything except laying around and sleeping... then you start picking out clothes with elastic so your clothes dont feel so tight... then the next time you buy something you buy the next size up.... vicious circle!!!!!  Can you tell I have done this before!!!??? LOL Thanks for the support!!!!

Linda H.
on 7/26/11 3:42 am - FERRIS, TX
Welcome back Amanda,

I too haven't been on this website in a very long time, but felt something was drawing me to it today.  I've come to realize alot of the things I'm doing wrong and need to get back on track... thanks for posting and look forward to hearing how your day is going with the liquids...

Many Blessings
RNY 7-25-05 


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