really lost and need some help!

on 7/26/11 11:32 am
I was on track to have gastric sleeve procedure but my insurance carrier will not cover that procedure.  They may cover the RNY.  Please if you could all tell me about the quality of life after this.  From everything I read there seem to be so many complications such as dumping syndrome and how do you all manage this? 

I truly want to save my life and not die early due to my obesity but any info you could shed on life with this surgery would be so helpful.  Trying to decide to remain obese and try for the 100th time or so to loose SOME weight or proceed with a bypass!

on 7/26/11 11:37 am - IA
I had RNY on June 20th, I am down a total of 33 pounds. I can honestly say I am glad I chose this type of surgery. I have had no complications, as far as dumping the best way to avoid it is to stay away from sugar. I have not had a dumping issue and sugar was my food of choice before surgery. I loved my sweets, but since the day of surgery I have had no desire to eat them. If you have any further questions feel free to ask I will be glad to help you.
on 7/26/11 11:40 am
thanks so very much!  I was just so educated on the sleeve surgery now having to re-educate to go a different direction.  Hearing others experiences truly helps!
on 7/26/11 11:47 am - OH
Well, only about 30% of RNY folks have dumping syndrome, and it typically occurs when people eat too much sugar.  I have dumped a couple times but I manage it by reading labels carefully and not eating anything with more than 12 grams of sugar.  When I want something sweet I either eat something like fruit or yogurt or a protein bar, or occasionally I eat a sugar free treat like a cookie I've made with splenda instead of sugar.  Or I eat a small amount of something with sugar, I just make sure I don't eat too much.

My quality of life is much better since my surgery.  I am actually below my goal weight now.  I can buy clothes in regular stores, my knees never hurt anymore, I don't get out of breath walking up a flight of stairs, I can eat small portions of healthy food and feel satisfied with that, I'm more comfortably physically.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 7/26/11 12:00 pm - Gaithersburg, MD
 I had a hard time right after the surgery but now my quality of life couldn't be better. I've lost 97 lbs in less than 5 months. I don't crave the crap foods that I used to eat and I love things like chicken and salad. I appreciate things more. I thankfully don't dump but I can't handle certain foods. I stay away from the foods I can't handle and before the surgery that was really hard. Now it is a lot easier to say no to unhealthy foods. The surgery can be very hard, very challenging, but to me it has been so worth it. I couldn't do another weigh****chers or south beach diet. I was so burned out on all of that. This surgery is the tool I needed. 
Height - 5'8  - SW - 292/ CW - 177.6 /GW - 150 - BMI - 27.1 - 114.4 lbs lost!
"The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore" Vincent Van Gogh
View more of my photos at

on 7/26/11 12:01 pm
 You can have complications with ANY surgery.  So far I haven't had any. That's not to say that I never will, but I really needed this surgery. I have lost almost 90lbs since the first part of March, and I am so glad that I had RNY.

I can't say anything bad about the sleeve because I haven't heard anything bad about it, but it too can have complications. You can have deficiencies and I believe you can even dump maybe rarely but still. So far I have only dumped mildly with some yogurt that I didn't pay close enough attention to the sugar grams. 

Good luck with your choice. Personally, I couldn't keep on waiting to make it happen on my own.

on 7/26/11 1:11 pm - Los Gatos, CA
I can't speak from any sort of personal experience about weight loss surgeries other than the RNY, which I had about 13 months ago.  But I'd have it again in a heartbeat, if it were necessary.
I have gone from size 48 pants down to size 32, losing a bit over 125 pounds in the process.  I am rarely hungry.  I have never dumped.  I have an occasional glass of wine, an occasional beer, and an occasional Jack Daniels.  No problems.
I eat modest amounts of pasta on occasion.  And rice.  And chips and salsa.  No problems.
I eat popcorn, corn on the cob, apples with skins, and grapefruit.  No problems.
I can't eat anywhere near the quantities of anything now that I could eat before my surgery.  The thing is... I don't want to.  I find it very easy to avoid refined sugars and greasy foods.
I know others who've had the procedure have had difficulties -- some major -- but I think most folks who go this way are ecstatic about their results.
Learning to swim was easy.  The hard part was getting out of that burlap sack.  Those rocks were heavy.
High: 310    Surgery day: 282     Goal: 190     Current: 178

on 7/27/11 2:15 am
Thank you all so much for your replies!  It is a major life changer and a major surgery and adjustments.  To hear about all of your experiences is so helpful.  I do appreciate all of your input

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