on 7/27/11 8:59 am - MN
 Today I got the call from the surgeon's office that I have been approved.  I was so shocked when they called because my information was just submitted yesterday!!!  Now the next obstable that I have is to get to the dentist right away and get the dental work done that the surgeon has demanded before I can get a surgery date.  I have posted on here before about the surgeon's requirement to fix teeth necessary for chewing before he will do the surgery.  I am highly motivated to get this done asap.  I have fought long and hard to get to this day and will not let anything stop me now.  This will be quite an expense for me, but my dentist assures me that the work will be done before the end of August.  It has been very helpful for me to come on here and read and learn and I will continue to come here for your wisdom and support before and after my surgery has been performed.  Thanks again.

on 7/27/11 11:01 am - LA
Congrats!! Please keep us posted!!

I'm Ready!
Deanna F.
on 7/27/11 11:46 am - Fairfax, IA
Congrats!! I recently was approved too. It was an exiting feeling

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