Something is wrong...any ideas??

on 8/11/11 11:08 am - Homer Glen, IL
Hi - I am almost 2 years out of Gastric Bypass.  I have had bouts of "getting stuck" where I basically have to stick my fingers down my throat to get the saliva up because it won't go down.  Eventually, something releases and I am totally fine. 

I am STUCK right now and I feel like something is wrong.   I didn't have anything for lunch that has ever caused me to get stuck - chipotle, in fact.  Shredded pork, beans, cheese and sour cream...that's it.  An hour or so later when I went to drink my water, I started feeling wierd and I could tell I had that stuck feeling.  I have been puking saliva and some actual food particles this time.  I feel like I have a vice on my stomach and I am sure that I have shoved my fingers down my throat at least 20 times in the last 4 hours.

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas?  Usually I can drink something hot and it will help loosen up whatever it is - but I cannot even keep down my saliva...



on 8/11/11 11:14 am - PA
I would try to drink some hot liquid of some sor****er, tea, etc.  Also, try papaya enzyme you can get it at Walmart or a drugstore.  Usually chewing 4 of those helps get things unstuck and also helps with the digestion of protein.  Good Luck!
on 8/11/11 12:41 pm - AK
I would get an EGD - esophago-gastro-dudenoscopy. They stick a small camera down your throat and see what's going on... that way you will know for sure.
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