Day 4 post-op

on 8/22/11 7:54 am - Haughton, LA
Been a great day.  Got up was able to fix my son bacon, eggs, and biscuits without having any craziness in my head.  I had thought it might be tough on me to cook and not be able to eat it, but not the case (today anyway).  I went to my first class and was able to sit through it without any problems.  I took a water bottle and a bottle of frozen cranberry juice, so when I felt like I needed a little something more than water, enough juice would be melted to sip and it stayed cold that way.  It was a three hour class, but it is only once a week, so by the time the next one rolls around, I should be feeling even better.  I did not drive, although I am not on any pain meds and felt I probably could, being a nurse, I felt that was a bit much to risk, so I let a friend drive me and pick me up.  I came home and took a nap for a couple of hours and then got up and picked up a few things around the house.  I am so blessed that I have felt this good.  I did have a strange dream last night, which I hardly ever remember my dreams, but I dreamed I was eating fresh corn on the cob.  Then I just felt horrible about it and knew I was going to have to call my doctor and he was going to have to do another operation, I was freaking out, but the whole time I was talking to the doctor on the phone, I was still eating corn on the cob... I was sooo glad when I woke up and it was all just a dream.  I had to laugh at myself when I opened the fridge to make my son breakfast and there was the fresh corn that I had bought for him.  Crazy but I thought hey if I can dream like that and eat all the corn on the cob I want, and wake up and be full off of two sips of juice, Im good with crazy dreams.   I added coffee and orange juice to my variety today, I tolerated both with no problems.  I almost made a boo boo with my coffee, because my instructions say I can have coffee with splenda and non-dairy creamer, so that is what I made, but my creamer was the flavored kind and just before I drank it, I read the label and sugar was the first ingredient!!  Needless to say, I poured that out and started over, no creamer this time around.  I was so excited that it said non-dairy creamer, I totally forgot to look for the other ingredients.  I have got to take my son up to band practice tonight, so I am going to take my frozen juice and water with me and get in a little walking close to my truck.  Not going to venture very far, but since I am not driving, I figured I should do something positive with the time I'm waiting on him.  It feels strange being dependant on people, since I am a very independant person, but I want to do what is best for my body and I know slow and steady wins the race.
  Kimberly                     Faith makes things possible, not easy!
on 8/22/11 9:11 am
RNY on 06/26/12
I just love how positive and upbeat you are! Seems like you've got everything thing planned when it needs to be.
I was wondering if I'd be able to have coffee after surgery - it seems like your surgeon ok'ed it as long as you follow the no sugar, no fat rule.
Anyway, seems like everything is going great with you!
on 8/22/11 9:33 am - OH
You are doing so great!  I am so impressed.  And um, a little jealous.  I wish my recovery had gone so well.

Tell me, are you one of those people that gave birth with hardly any pain and two hours later got up and fixed dinner for your family or something?

I really appreciate you posting how you're doing here because I think sometimes newbies read all the posts about various problems we're having and then assume that everyone has problems.  It's just great to see someone doing so well.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 8/22/11 1:21 pm - Haughton, LA
Hahahaha, no I definitely am not one of the lucky ones that spit out them babies and cooked dinner!!!  I had a 10 pounder and a 9 pounder.... C-sections with both, but I have to say that may have prepared me for this 18 years later.... After I had my second son, we were moving from New Mexico to Alaska, so as soon as I was released from the hospital, I was packing up and gone.  I went to Tennesse for 30 days leave before we headed across the country with a three year old and and a six week old and recovering from a section!!!  So this is not my first go around with moving on after surgery.  I am so thankful that I have had the recovery that I have had so far.  I am glad that you said you liked my positive posts, because I honestly didn't think about that it may upset some people if they are not doing as well.  I always aim to encourage and hopefully for those who have not had it as easy, I hope they find comfort knowing that it will get better, it may just take them a few days longer.  Thank you for always being a source of encouragement.  I enjoy reading your post on different topics.
  Kimberly                     Faith makes things possible, not easy!
on 8/22/11 1:37 pm - OH
I don't think it will upset many people.  I think it's good for people to see that there is really a very wide range of "normal."

Moving from New Mexico to Alaska?  Wow.  From the warm to the cold, huh?

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 8/22/11 10:08 am
You sound like you are having the kind of recovery I had. Easy peasy. While I gave up caffeine I know that when I was pregnant they had the sugar free creamers. Even though my NUT and surgeon both said I could have 2 cups of coffee/caffeine. I figured I was off so I will try to stay off. In the beginning I had dreams where I would eat something no on plan too. I would always wake up and think Whew and then start laughing. You are doing really well with the whole cooking thing. It took me a little more than 4 days to start cooking for dh and my 3 kids. He stayed home the first week.

Welcome to the bench!
**SHELLY**   HW: 316   SW: 256   GW: 125  CW: 118       

on 8/22/11 10:33 am - Haughton, LA
Hey you said DH are you a flybaby by chance?? If y'all don't know what I
am talking about you have to check out! She is wonderful and it's free and has totally got me organized and able to keep my house house clean all in minutes a day! I love her!!! I am having a wonderful recovery, but please don't be discouraged if yours is not going as well, remember everyone is different and we are here to encourage each other along the way! Whatever day you are on, just remember it only last a little while and it will pass. Continue to take babysteps and pretty soon the present will be the past and when we are swapping out our fat clothes for skinny clothes, we no longer own a section at the pharmacy, we can move without every bone and joint in our bodies aching, and exercise is a part of our reality that we enjoy instead of a fantasy, we can all look back and say it was worth it!
  Kimberly                     Faith makes things possible, not easy!
on 8/22/11 1:50 pm - Nazareth, PA
I love flybaby and have it come up on my facebook.

A few days ago I had a dream that I ate a red apple with the skin on it - chewing big chunks.  After realizing what I did I was terrified and waited for the pain and dumping to overcome me. Thank God I woke up and realized it was only a dream.

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