on 10/10/11 2:11 am
Other peoples comments are making me worried. A concerned family member told me if I continue to lose so fast I will look like a skeleton in just a couple of months (and I thought OMG they are right!?!?!). Is it possible to get too thin with this surgery? My surgeon says we can lose until 18 months or more!

I reached my surgeons goal at 3 months and passed it.
I reached my first goal (to have a normal BMI) at 4 months and passed it.
I am almost to my second goal ( a weight of 135). I am 5'5"
I am currently a size 3 and fit into some 2's.
I have NEVER hit a stall, some weeks I just lose less than others, but I am still steadily losing.
I am still only 5 months out!
I am still losing 10-12lbs a month.

I am fairly small boned, so I think I am okay reaching my goal of 135. People are starting to tell me not to lose any more or I will be too thin though. Is it possible to even maintain at 5 months out? I don't think I am too thin yet, but will I be able to maintain if I reach a weight I am satisfied at so early out? I can't eat anymore food or I just puke it all back up ( my stomach won't let me over eat). My surgeon was very strict allowing only 3 protien filled meals and 1 snack of vegetable. Should I go against his wishes and snack more or should I eat more calories? Anyone else have experience with this?
on 10/10/11 2:20 am
 Hi I would recommened do what your surgeon told you to eat. I reached my goal weight in 5 months. I have a friend whom said your to thin. What is funny he has a tummy on him you will here that from heavy ppl because they are jelous of you.


on 10/10/11 2:33 am - Cosmopolis, WA
Those are my thoughts exactly, and posted my question/concerns before I had a chance to catch up on OH from over the weekend.

I will watch your post for answers and watch mine for the answers. 


on 10/10/11 2:47 am
I am very concerned I still sometimes lose 5 lbs a week ( most weeks I just lose like 2-3, but still) If it continues this way I will be underweight in LESS than 3 months. UNDERWEIGHT at less than 8 months post op!!! Maybe it wont come to that, maybe it will stop. But it doesn't look like that is going to happen, because i am still steadily lossing with no stalls as of yet. My family member, i don't believe was jealous, she is thin. I just think, she did the math, and became concerned.
on 10/10/11 2:38 am
I don't want to scare you but I have gotten too thin, but there may be extenuating cir****tances that are the reason.  I was a revision from a very malabsorptive procedure.  My revision was to reduce the malabsorption and it did but I think I still have some.  I also have a lot of restriction making it hard to eat too many calories.  Combine that with no appetite and I have still been losing weight.  I hit my first goal at 6 1/2 months and my final goal at 10 1/2 months and I am still losing a few pounds a month.  I have dropped below 100lbs and my BMI is in the underweight range.
I eat about 1600 calories a day.  I don't eat any refined carbs so that makes it harder to get in more calories.  I also dump if I have too many fats.
Your weight loss will slow down a lot at 6 months but if you are still losing you are going to have to increase your calories.  I was told to eat 6 times a day but that is very hard.  I make it 5 times a day and my snacks are always protein, not vegetables.  Vegetables don't have a lot of calories so they will fill you up but not help you get in more calories.  I was given a list of things to do to increase my calories but it wasn't really practical given that I dump.  I cannot drink Ensure, for example.
I am addicted to refined carbs and I will not go back to eating them to gain weight because if I do it won't stop.  I know.  I managed to regain 100lbs with a very malabsorptive procedure because of them.  I am determined to maintain a healthy weight eating in a healthy manner.
I am confident that as time goes on I will be able to increase my eating capacity, as I have been all along.  A few months ago I could only get in about 1200 calories.  
Unfortunately my doctor is talking about putting in a feeding tube at this point.  I go see him today.  I do not want that and I am going to see if I can try pancreatic enzymes first in a attempt to absorb more calories.
Like I said, I don't mean to scare you and I am an extreme case.  In all the time I have been around WLS boards I can count the people on one hand that lost too much weight to where their BMI was in the underweight range.  I never thought I would be one of them.  I thought I would have trouble maintaining like I did the first time.  I still am sure that things will eventually turn around.  Even though I am underweight I feel great and I am healthier then I have been in years.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 10/10/11 2:30 pm
lady... omg i had no idea you had got so thin!  i know you are concerned and i hope you dont have to get the tube.  having gone through a revision myself, i can only wish i could get too thin!  lol  take care of yourself.. i depend on you! :)  keep me posted on how you are feeling.  thanks for all of your info and support.
on 10/10/11 2:39 pm
Thanks!  I feel great so that is good.  No tube thank God.  My doctor wants me to eat 2000 calories a day.  At least he finally admitted that I still had malabsorption.  I was told that I would hardly have any after my revision.
I am having hard time getting in that many calories.  Complicating things is the fact that I dump with too much fat and carbs.  I can't eat very much and I don't get hungry.  I am supposed to set my timer on my phone and eat every 2 to 3 hours.  Sounds easy but it's not.
I may try some sugar free Ensure or Boost type drink.  They are so damn expensive though.
I'll get this figured out.  I am going in circles trying to get in enough food and fluids.  It really is a full time job.  Hopefully it will get easier.
I was so comfortable with the way I was eating.  I have been on a schedule and it just worked for me without too much thought.  Now I have to think about eating all day.  I hope that I can get on a new schedule and that will become second nature to me, too.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 10/10/11 2:43 pm
i bet the idea of eating more scares the crap out of you.. .. i am in constant fear of regain; and would be terrified of eating that much.  am so glad you feel okay though that low weight had me a bit worried for you. 
on 10/10/11 2:49 pm
I have to admit that I don't like the idea of watching the scale go up, even intentionally.  I may have to put the scale away and just weigh once a week or so.  I am sure I would be able to tell by my clothes anyway.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 10/10/11 2:41 am
RNY on 02/28/12
I am still pre-op so this is not an expert talking....but...

I think, if your surgeon and dietician feel you are healthy and still able to lose, I wouldn't worry about it.  Keep in mind that (a) some people are jealous and (b) they are not used to the new you and may think you look sick/too thin/skeletal only because the change has been so quick and dramatic that they haven't gotten used to it.

As long as you are healthy, if you keep losing under supervision, I don't think you should worry too much yet.

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