Carb Question

Diminishing Dawn
on 10/22/11 6:05 am - Windsor, Canada
It could be that you weren't eating enough CALORIES and that was the slow down in the weight. That's the case with many people post op.

One thing you need to remember is that surgeons are NOT dieticians. They have a basic understanding but not nearly the expertise of a dietician.  It is well known that some carbs are needed for brain function and some processes of the body, so going completely no carb is a bit of a careless advice to me from your surgeon.  BUT the choice of kind of carb is important for weight loss - some from fruits, veggies and whole grains are good.  But the key is to limit them.  Many surgical centres do a limit of 30 grams per meal or 90 per day, but I see alot of people on here do the low carb way of 30-50 a day.  Get some at least.


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 10/22/11 6:15 am - VA
 I actually had worried I wasnt eating enough calories at one point.  My NUT said to eat more calories, and my Dr said there is no minimum to eat. My surgeon told me I can choose who to listen to, but she will get my weight off the fastest.  

I would flip out if I ate 30g a meal!  I even stopped eating beans because of the carbs in them.  With my NUT and my Surgeon saying two different things, it has been hard for me to talk to either of them about this.

I love whole grains, and even the stuff that most people think that taste like 'cardboard'.  
Here is a normal day for me:

B - Protein coffee (25g of protein), it is decaf coffee, 1 scoop of protein powder, some far free creamer and 1 packet of Truvia.  

S- pistachios or cheese stick

L - inside of a sandwich (lunch meats not a burger) if I am out in town or a salad or soup

S - 4-6 of the low carb whole grain crackers with 2 laughing cow cheese wedges

D - Usually veggies.  Love mushrooms and onions with asparagus lately.

And after dinner, about an hour later is another protein coffee.

So as you can see the only carbs I eat are veggie wise except that one snack. 

I average about 450-600 calories and i am almost 3 months out.
   HW: 400lbs+,  SW: 310lbs, CW: 218lbs, GW: 150lbs        
on 10/22/11 4:04 pm
Your surgeon might get the weight off you faster with ZERO carbs, but YOU will be the one who suffers in the long run.  First of all, your brain NEEDS carbs to function properly.  Second, you can ruin your metabolism if you don't get the proper amount of calories in your diet.  That's why your body stops losing periodically and you go into starvation mode.  It's a warning to you.  You can survive for a short time, but you will be seriously hurting your long term weight loss if your metabolism falls to less than 800 RMR, which DID happen to someone I know ( in fact, her RMR dropped to 660) and I'd venture to say that isn't the only person who has had that problem.   Our hunger, for most of us, WILL return and we need to be able to burn a fairly normal amount of calories to maintain good health and our new weight after the initial loss.  

I pray this journey for you will be successful and life changing in a very positive way for you.
on 10/22/11 10:20 pm - VA
 Well, the lack of carbs could for sure be a reason I slowwwwed wayyy down and keep getting I will loose 3-5lbs...then be same weight for 5 days...loose 3-5lbs... be same weight for 4 days.  

What is RMR?

And what is the 'normal' calorie range for someone almost 3 months out?  

I am going to have to make sure I am getting in the right amount...using the nutritional counter here on OH, I realize how little carbs and calories I get a day!
   HW: 400lbs+,  SW: 310lbs, CW: 218lbs, GW: 150lbs        
on 10/23/11 7:24 am - FL
my dietician has made sample menus for each stage of WLS. My initial normal diet phase includes wheat crackers and cheese as a snack. *shrug* (I haven't had any yet, though)
on 10/23/11 7:27 am - VA
 That is cool you NUT has that for you! Mine did for the first two stages, but nothing now :(

I just need to stop freaking out about the long as I am not going to town on them, I should enhoy them from time to time!

THanks everyone!
   HW: 400lbs+,  SW: 310lbs, CW: 218lbs, GW: 150lbs        
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