Endoscopy results

on 10/31/11 9:20 am - NY
I had my endoscopy this morning.

The doctor found a stricture at the bottom of my pouch. He was able to stretch it a little, but I have to go back in 2 weeks to have it stretched again. I am almost 6 weeks out from RNY, and my pouch and areas havent healed enough for him to stretch it completely.

I am SO GLAD he found this!! I was in pain anytime I would try to eat, or if I drank too much at once. I am able to drink without a problem, and there is NO PAIN now!! I am not allowed to try eating yet, and am on clear liquids for a few days (which is fine, because my throat is killing me!) but I am able to get things in without crying in pain. Including meds. I havent been able to take most of my meds because of the pain. In fact, my nutrition doctor took me off of the chewable calcium until this was resolved - now, I can start back slowly, once I can move onto mushies. 

I encourage anyone out there who is in pain, CALL your doctor!! They can do testing. I had an upper GI done last week, and they ruled out the stricture, but he found it on endoscopy. I was persistent though, and kept telling them what was wrong... fortunately, it was before I got dehydrated!!  
on 10/31/11 9:59 am
 so glad you had a good result... I hear that is a common complication after RNY and once your healed you should be good to go!   Keep up the great work  
 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


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