One Week Out-Too Much Air

on 11/14/11 3:14 am, edited 11/14/11 3:16 am - Barberton, OH

It's been a whole week now since my RNY, and I'm feeling ok for the most part. Soreness is going away. But this morning, after I drank my protein drink I felt awful. I'm careful to drink slowly, taking up to an hour to drink all 8oz. But man, after I drank it this morning, it sounded like a war zone in my belly! And I was belching like crazy (so embarassing!) I took 3 of those Gas-X strips and that helped a little, but it took awhile. I had some errands to run so I did that and came home and took my vitamin and calcium and it happened again! I had just a few sips of water and it just started it all over again. So needless to say, I've not drank anything much all day. I've been sipping on my water and then I feel like it's going to start back up again. It's quite uncomfortable to say the least! My doctor has me on an acid reducer for a month, so I kind of thought maybe that would help with this kinds of stuff, but this seems to be all air related. I have not had this much trouble all week. Any reason this might be happening today? I'm kind of just hoping it's just an off day or something and maybe it will get better later. I'm on full liquids for another week yet, so its not solid food related at all.

LilySlim Weight loss tickers
Dave Chambers
on 11/14/11 3:54 am - Mira Loma, CA

In one week since surgery, it's likely your digestive tract beginning to work again. Gas is an issue for most post ops.  Try not to use any straws, and be aware of how you sip your water to avoid getting to much air.  I remember when I was about 2 months post op. I was at a support group meeting, and a woman interested in surgery was sitting next to me. My abdomen began being noisy, and her comment was "boy you must be hungry". I politely told her I'd eaten less than an hour ago, and this noisy digestion is sometimes heard with post ops.  Keep tabs on it and if the issue gets worse, I'd be sure to mention it to your surgeon in your upcoming post op visits to their office. DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

Dan OBrien
on 11/14/11 4:02 am - FL
I belched like crazy for the first few weeks, eating or drinking, and sometimes just talking.  It goes away.
Due to current economic conditions the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.                                                                         HW: 396 GW:230
Mandy R.
on 11/14/11 5:19 am - Callahan, FL
My stomach has been feeling weird today also, hmmmm.....maybe something to do with a week out ?  Are you getting in your fluids?  I'm having such a hard time.  Any tips?

HW-298  SW-251 Loss/Month post RNY(1)-23.5,(2)-23.3,(3)-9.9,(4)-10.6,(5)-8.9,(6)-7.7,(7)-4.2,(8)-7.5,(9)-1.7,(10)-10.8*first goal reached*,(11)-6,(12)-1.3,(13)-0.3,(14)+2.9-*changed scales that weigh 2lbs heavier*,(15)-0.3(16)-4.7(17),+5.8(18)-1.5,(19)+4.4,(20)-+4,(21)-1.2,(22)+3.5,(23)


Linda A.
on 11/14/11 5:16 pm - WA
 I am about two weeks out right now, and I will tell you, I have good days and bad days. I have days where it seems like all I can do is let loose air from one end or the other. Then I have days where everything is fine and dandy. My diet is more or less the same from day to day, and I too am cautious about how I drink.

I have found sometimes I have to move around a bit when I am drinking. Not sure why, but it does seem to help. I find that "sweet spot" of a position, and everything goes down fine and I am not plagued as bad by the belches. Believe it or not, I have also gone back on my nausea medicine when the belching gets especially bad, and it seems to help. Not sure what the connection there is, but it works. I left the hospital belching horribly, and that is what they were doing to make it better in the hospital.

Sometimes when I first eat or drink during the day, I experience the belches and discomfort REALLY bad. But once my stomach wakes up, everything typically goes smoothly. However, for the first hour or so after eating and drinking my belly can be quite noisy in the morning. I consider it my belly's good morning song. 

If it continues or gets to the point of complete discomfort, contact your surgeon. But, I will tell you, I too have experienced and continue to experience. Ups and downs. Just stick to it and try to get in your fluids and protein. The more of these you can keep down, the better you will feel!
July '11: 252  Surgery: 227  Goal: 127  
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