Hello World, Dec12 is the big day. Family Worried!

on 11/19/11 6:31 am
 Hi guys. After a year of research I have a surgery date of Dec 12. It's been a long, hard road to get to this point. So excited, nervous and scared at this point. So much to do in a short amount of time. I have a wife and three young kids. They are a little nervous about possible complications and I feel a little guilty that I am putting them through this. My oldest son, who is 11, is particularly worried, I think, because he's old enough to understand the risk.

Anyone out there with kids? How did you all deal with these issues leading up to surgery?

on 11/19/11 7:22 am - PA
 I am a mom of 4...10, 8, 7, 3....They all knew what mom was doing every step of the way. And I told them the truth that it was surgery and sometimes things go wrong. But if mom didn't do something then something was defiantly going to go wrong. They actually helped me when I was first home and they still help keep me on track. 

So sit them down and let them know chances of something happening are really low but as long as you have them at your side you can take anything on.
 Come visit me on my bloghttp://apeekintomytreehouse.com/ 
  Start weight 282, Surgery weight 265, Current weight 131, Goal weight 140 

  A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.  Eleanor Roosevelt

on 11/19/11 7:30 am
Hey, My surgery is the 13th of Dec. I have 5 kids. I have told them how important this surgery is because it means a much healthier mom who can do so much more for them. I lost both my parents to heart attacks, one when i was just 16. I will not put my kids through that. This is giving me more time with my kids. If I dont do this surgery I will be on insulin. I will have even more chances of heart issues, I will need knee surgery. I will need blood pressure meds. NOPE! The risks of this surgery are far less than this risks without. There is more chance of me not being here if I dont do it.

Personally I have kept the info simple on the surgery. I am planning on decorating for the holidays before, so that we are ready to celebrate when I gert home. I am explaining what foods I will be eating and why. I have taught a couple how to make protein shakes to help me out if I need. (Hubby is an OTR truck driver, so he may not be here to help) Just keeping them involved in the helping and postive parts.

I am still right withya on the excited, nervous part too! Hang in there! A month from now we will be 1 week post op =)
on 11/19/11 8:05 am - OKLAHOMA CITY, OK
Good Luck to you BoomerSooner1!  Are you having the RNY? Which hospital? Which Dr.?  I ask because I am a boomer sooner fan also!

Good Luck to you!  Be honest with your kids and tell them you are doing it because you love them and want to be with them for many years to come!


HW  313   SW  285   Goal 155
on 11/19/11 10:05 am - OH
For your son, just tell him that all surgeries are a little risky but that hundreds and hundreds of people have this surgery every year and most do just fine.  Tell him you picked a very good doc and that you'll be at a very good hospital where everyone will take good care of you.  Tell him there will be a doctor in the room with the surgeon and all the nurses called an anesthesiologist and his or her job wll be to give you medication so you sleep through the operation and to watch you very closely the whole time to make sure you are breathing OK and your heart is beating right.  Then tell him about some of the reasons you want to get healthy, like so you can play ball with him.

Offer to take both your oldest son and your wife to meet your surgeon before surgery if they want to go, and let them ask any questions about the safety of surgery.  Also suggest your wife check out this website so she can hear some success stories.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 11/19/11 3:13 pm
Ihad my surgery 10 yrs ago and didn't worry about  the risks because I know I needed to have weight loss surgery for myself and my family. Here I am- happy, healthy and able to run circles around my son, granson and most everybody else. No complications, no complaints and I'm still having WOW moments even this far out. You'll be find, explain that you are going to be healthier. Do whatever you have to before surgery to get healthier - walk, lose as many pounds as you can, quit smoking, be more active, etc. The healthier you are when you get to surgery the less likely you are to have complications later. Don't feel guilty!!! Feel proud that you're taking your health into your own hands so you can be around longer to be there for your family. It's a fantastic journey = enjoy the ride.
Jen 10 yrs post op RNY
on 11/20/11 1:38 am
 Hey Snancypants - I was at OU 88-91 then moved down to Austin (believe it or not) and married a Lomghorn. It's a mixed marriage but it works!:) My surgery is going to be in San Antonio with Dr. Patel. 

Yes, this has not been an easy decision to make. My Dad died of a heart attack at 52 when I was 17 - and that's always in the back of my mind. I have high BP, astronomically high lipids, kidney stones, gallbladder removed, gout, joint pain, some calcification on a heart scan. Guess I'm considered a relative "lightweight" compared to some. I have BMI of 40 and need to lose about 110 lbs. I also know this is not a magic pill. I have a lot of "head work" to do to get to the Heart of my sugar and carb addictions. 

Our daughter (age 4) has a genetic disorder and some significant issues. She will need both parents around and while there is a risk I want to stick around for her as long as possible.
 Don't ask me how we lost to Baylor.  I can't figure it Out either!            
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