Need to get back on track!!!

on 11/29/11 2:32 pm - Poway, CA
Its been awhile since Ive been on line or on this site. I'm sitting here not wanting to write this, but need to hear some words of wisdom from others. I'm no longer on the right track. I barely take my vitamins, Ive stopped my protein drinks, exercise is not as strong and for the first year I stayed away from carbs but I have been eating them a lot. Snacking is the worse for me. I don't know if its just stress or just me going back to old behaviors. I just want to get back on track and get the rest of my weight off. Anyone else done this ? Any tips? Words of encouragement?

Good thing is I haven't gained any weight but I'm not losing...I'm stuck !!!
I love my tool!!!!
on 11/29/11 2:38 pm - OH
Make it simple.  Remember the rules you followed when you were, say, three months post op?  Remember the things you ate, how you took your vitamins, got your protein in, all that stuff?  Now do it again.  Only you might eat a bit more now.

Start with getting the carbs you don't want to eat out of your house and then shop for high protein meals and snacks.Try  making out a meal plan or a schedule for yourself of when you'll go to the gym, when you'll take vitamins, etc.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 11/29/11 2:43 pm - Poway, CA
Thank you Kelly!! Back to the basics it is!!
I love my tool!!!!
Hattie T.
on 11/29/11 5:57 pm - Denver, CO
Please take your vitamins, drink at least 64 ounces of water, and drink your protein.  (The snacking has probably increased as the right behaviors decreased.)  The thing is, more is at stake this time.  Yes you'll gain weight, but because of protein and vitamin deficiencies and dehydration you could end up back in the hospital, or worse!  This journey we've decided to take is a one-way trip -- full speed ahead and no going back! 
Htaylor46     HW 412, SW 386, CW 309, GW 190      
on 11/29/11 6:31 pm - NY
First. You've lost over 200 pounds and that is fantastic, congratulations!  I went through this a few weeks back.  Found myself forgetting my vitamins, breaking my one cup of coffee rule, and grazing on wheat thins, which are my weekness for some reason.  The scale still went down, so I figured maybe they aren't so bad.  Next thing I know I am eating regular take-out pizza, another of my vices.  Starting skipping my protein shake for breakfast and grabbing take out for lunch instead of packing my own.  The scale didn't go up but it stopped going down.  In reality, I know had I been farther out it would have crept up.  But, more than the scale, I started to feel it.  I felt "bleh".  Then I felt guilty.  Then shame.  The same old emotions I've had to battle as a lifetime over eater.  What helped me get back on track was some old fashion self talk and journaling.  I started using my dry erase board again, which I see when I wake up every morning.  It said, "Get up, take your vits. and make a protein shake."  Then it has what I will eat for the day on it.  The lunch I will pack.  What to prepare for dinner.  And my favorite saying which is "Do not look at how far you have to go, but how far you've already come."  You know what to do, you just need to remotivate yourself to do it.  Bad habits, in my opinion, seem to snowball.  When we say yes to one poor choice it gradually becomes easier to say yes to more.  So my advice is, to look how far you've come and know that you are a magnificent success and use that positive momentum to carry you forward.

pregnancy calendar

on 11/29/11 8:24 pm - Bensalem, PA
I know exactly where you are coming from.  Lately, I have been doing the same thing.  I have been eating the pretzels, not getting enough water in and drinking lots of coffee.  Worse than that, I have been sneaking in fast food here and there. Fast food is my weakness, I know it but still I go to the drive thru.   I have been justifying it by saying to myself that "I go to the gym" but still, it is not right.  I feel like the "fat girl out of control" still.  I wonder why I feel sluggish but deep down, I know why - I am eating crap.  I had a bad dumping episode last Friday after eating too many carbs - stuffing, crackers, etc and not enough protein and BAM, it hit me.  Usually dumping for me is just pain and nausea, this time it was massive sweating and increased heart rate and sugar dropping not to mention the nausea.  I am trying to get back on track. For now, I am taking it moment by moment, day by day.  This thread came at a great time for me.  You have helped me realize that I am not alone and that I need to be vigalent.  I need to put ME first so I can live my life and love my family the way I want - being healthy and happy.  You hang in there!  Protein first and TAKE those vitamins girl!  This coming month is going to be hard with all of the Christmas parties and treats that will be around.  I am going to start stocking up on snacks/food for work to keep in a stash for the day.  Have a great day!
Do or Do Not, There is No Try...........            
Carol S.
on 11/29/11 10:17 pm - Milwaukee, WI
 Have you considered that it might be time to work on the brain part?  That is my biggest struggle.  

SGM, and a therapist if necessary.  The surgery doesn't change our brains, just our guts.

SW/276 CW 150 GW 185

9 Years out.
on 11/30/11 1:48 am - Tucson, AZ
Ok, I'm dumb, what is SGM?


Hattie T.
on 12/1/11 9:24 am - Denver, CO
Yeah... what is SG???
And will someone please tell me what NUT is?
Htaylor46     HW 412, SW 386, CW 309, GW 190      
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