1 month today!

on 12/12/11 10:48 pm - PA
 I am one month out today. I am super depressed! I don't know what's wrong with me! I have like no energy and I don't wanna see anyone or do anything! I'm just not very happy! I'm going to contact my dr today! But am wondering if anyone else experienced this and what they did?
on 12/13/11 2:40 am - OKLAHOMA CITY, OK
Oh I am so there with you.  Hang on.  I posted a blog in the last week about my depression and today I am 5 weeks out. 

I think perhaps we had our expectations set too high?  I figured I was going to lose as fast as others here and I am not.  I am still on all liquids by my doctors rules and miss the comfort of food.  I see Arby's commercials and I want it!  I know it is all the changes in my body that are happening but I was not as prepared for the "hard times". 

I hope this goes away soon.  I can't even get into a new therapist until after the 1st of the year due to insurance changes.  Please know you are not alone.  If you need to talk and have no one, talk here!  send me a message.  I understand! 

We need to believe this will get better as we adapt to our new lives.


HW  313   SW  285   Goal 155
on 12/13/11 6:32 am - TX
I will be one week out tomorrow and i feel wonderful. A little sore, but just fine. My pants fit looser and 2 people commented on my weight {i have lost 55 pounds since I started this process}. I would say get up and get moving. life is too short to be miserable. best of luck !!!
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