on 12/21/11 1:03 pm - Baltimore, MD
WHOOOAAA just got out of the shower and relized I could wrap a regular bath towel around me and it covered me!!!!  I even tucked it in and was walking around the bed room ....still no T&A showing...

Highest Weight: 235 Pre op Start Weight:222 Surgery Weight 205 Current Weight:152Goal Weight: 118
Nothing taste as good as Thin feels      

on 12/21/11 1:05 pm - CA
YAYYYYY!!!!! That is one of my favorite NSV's. I remember the moment vividly and hope to always appreciate it! How wonderful for you!!!
Cankles2Ankles :D
on 12/21/11 6:17 pm - Seattle, WA
RNY on 01/25/12
 Congratulations! That is a big deal. I can't wait until I get to that point! 

Thanks for sharing :)
on 12/21/11 7:13 pm
That may seem like an small thing, but I too remember how thrilled I was when my towel went all the way around my body and covered it entirely.  That is a great feeling.
