First appt

Christina C.
on 1/13/12 9:38 am - Virden, IL
Hello all

Ok my first appt is scheduled for feb 23rd I am trying to figure out what I need to do before then. I know I have to quit smoking before hand so I am setting a date for next sat. I have quit for 2 hrs then started again due to certain stresses going on I feel I can again since just started new years eve.

Any advice would b VERY helpful

Thanks in advance
on 1/13/12 10:07 am
call your dr office to see what they require. good luck to you
Christina C.
on 1/13/12 11:26 am - Virden, IL
They sent me a thing in the mail and know that but I'm trying to see if there is anything else I need to do should I start writing out what I eat or start doing other things to get into the habit so I'm not trying to do everything at once. Trying to get a head start

Thank you
on 1/13/12 11:55 am - reidsville, NC
RNY on 01/16/12
does your insurance company demand you have a weight loss program...mine did..a 3 month doctor's supervised weight loss. you could go ahead and get your pcp to start you on a program.
but, the doctor will tell you all the testing you will have done...good luck

Christina C.
on 1/13/12 12:26 pm - Virden, IL
No it doesn't thankfully my friend has been through and she also didn't need a weight loss program. So I guess I wait for the appt I'm so excited waiting tilthe 24th of feb seems so far away!!!! Thank you for the reply!!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 1/13/12 12:52 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
I;m sure you've read the various posts here about pre-op diets, but the most important thing I can suggest is to immediately eliminate all "White Foods" from your kitchen and your food intake. NO MORE RICE, PASTA, BREAD OR POTATOES.  If they aren't in your cupboards, it is sooo much easier to resist the temptation!

These foods make you even more hungry when you eat them, due to the release of insulin into your system as it tries to deal with the surges of sugar that these foods are converted to.

Protein first, then a few fruits & veggies and walkwalkwalk.  This is a good time to start trying samples of different protein powders.  That's how I rapidly eliminated soy protein from my diet. EWWWW!!

I know that the exercise is probably the hardest thing to do, and as I'm not certain what part of the country you live in, I can only suggest going to the mall or somewhere you can get in a good 20 minute walk every day,

Good luck! 
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