ADD meds

on 2/1/12 10:15 am
Hello all,  has anyone had any issues with taking ADD meds?
on 2/2/12 3:56 pm - Denton, TX
 Hi there! 
I did in the beginning. I take Vyvanse at 30 mg daily among other meds. At first, I got the shakes so I just avoided them for the first few of months; I figured I was still getting over surgery so why bother.  About the 4th month out, I knew I had to get back on them. At first, my reaction was rather hit and miss. Somedays, I did fine, but other days I had problems such as insomnia (big time), little aggressive, and was just all over the place. Eventually, I stabilized in the 5th and 6th month.

My psychiatrist tried lowering the dose at first, but it was ineffective. We tried a slightly higher dose but I had only a two hour window in the morning to get anything back to the original dose. So far, it is a keeper. I tried even increasing it because I seem to lose about an hour to two hours of effectiveness, but it's all good. I don't need perfection just a little time to focus on it. LOL

