7 months pic, love my RNY!

Ramie A.
on 3/11/12 11:55 pm - Bronx, New York, NY
Good morning everyone, 

This weekend I went shopping for size SIX clothes and came back with a truck load!  One of the best choices was this white dress:

and of course the required "before" picture

I want to tell everyone that my journey has been the easiest thing I've ever done -- physically, at least.  Mentally, that's another battle entirely.  However, I am suceeding when before surgery I surely would have failed.  I'm within about 10 lbs of goal and only 7 months out, so right now I am concentrating on maintaining my good eating habits.  Carbs are my demon.  I know I am addicted to carbs because even a little bite makes me crave more and more.  (Carbs for me are defined as breads, crackers, cereals, potatoes, pasta, cookies, cakes, etc.)  I do not dump and do not feel even a little bad after eating carbs and other sweets (and I have tried them, sometimes in large quantities). 

However, despite losing a few of the battles, I'm winning the war.  I can for the most part resist the cravings and the more I resist, the easier it is.  This journey is not the easiest, but it puts me on a level playing field with all the rest of the regular folks out there struggling with their weight.  If I put forth a reasonable amount of effort, I CAN do it! 

By the way, I was revised from lap band to RNY after my band failed.  Although the ultimate reason my band was removed was because of a mechnical failure (it slipped), it was not working for me at all.  All food made me throw up, including most slider foods.  It was awful.  I have to say that the RNY is MUCH easier to live with.  One could say that I have no food restrictions.  Of course, as mentioned above, carbs are still my demons and I can easily over eat on them, so I try to avoid them.  But other than that, I feel completely normal.

The other reason I revised to RNY (versus the sleeve, for example) is because I am diabetic.  My diabetes has improved drastically.  Although I started out as a Type II diabetic 20 years ago, I eventually ruined my pancreas by overworking it, and became essentially a Type I diabetic.  That is, I had no insulin left so had to get all of it through injection.  Prior to surgery I injected 8-10 units per meal and now I inject 3-4 units and sometimes none at all if my meal is 90% protein. 

Oh, for those interested, I eat about 1200 calories and don't exercise much (I know, I know, bad).  I get at least 100 g protein and all my water.  My carb intake varies but ranges from 80 to 150 g per day.  Most of that comes from milk, beans, vegetables, fruit, etc. 

Best of luck to everyone out there on this journey!  It's hard but no longer impossible!  Keep at it!

Ramie A.

Lapband Nov 2006; revision to RNY 8/17/2011
5'3", HW: 205 / Consult: 189  /  SW: 184  /  CW: 140  /  GW: 130

on 3/11/12 11:59 pm
Look at you looking foxy in that white dress! You look wonderful and hey if I ever get to a size 6 can I borrow it LOL it is beautiful!!!!!!!!!
I hope you have lots of fun shopping for size 6 and below for the rest of your life. You worked hard you did great in 7 months!

Did the happy dance onto the Loser's Bench March 18, 2013!

Visit my blog at http://skinnyundermyfat.blogspot.com/

Laura in Texas
on 3/12/12 12:02 am
Congrats on your success. Remember maintenance is for life and the hardest part of the journey. I've been reading regain stories on the main board. It helps keep me on track.


Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

(deactivated member)
on 3/12/12 12:23 am
YOU LOOK SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!! ... Carbs are my demon too... its sooo nice to hear that IT CAN BE DONE!!... !!!
Michelle V.
on 3/12/12 12:29 am - Livonia, MI
You look great in that dress. Congrats on the weight loss.
on 3/12/12 12:32 am - NJ
RNY on 05/22/12
looking good
on 3/12/12 12:51 am
 You look amazing!!!! Congratulations! Love the dress!


Adrienne G.
on 3/12/12 2:29 am - Germantown, MD
That dress looks FABULOUS on you!!!!!
Starting weight (12/10) - 346; Surgery day weight (10/11) - 282.4
on 3/12/12 3:19 am - VA
RNY on 02/28/12
It's an inspiration to read success stories such as yours....  I'm 2 weeks post-op and ready for this journey. 
on 3/12/12 3:28 am - UT
RNY on 09/05/12
 You look A M A Z I N G! You are an Inspiration to 
ME! Love the dress too! Size 6 is awesome!!!
  I believe in me...the best is yet to be!                        
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