Constant Nausea

on 3/30/12 11:56 am - FL
RNY on 02/06/12
So I wake up every morning nauseaus... I heave when I have to look at food packing my daughter's lunch--- nothing comes up, but I constantly heave.  It is KILLING my abs.... I walk hunched over by the end of the day because the heaving makes them hurt so bad!

Any ideas of how I can combat this???  I would LOVE to NOT puke constantly :)
Starting Weight:275     Surgery Weight:255   "That which does not kill us makes us stronger" 

on 3/30/12 12:01 pm - Parkton, MD
So it is not just in the am - it is all day??  Sure your not pregnant, right? Keep hydrated - under hydration makes you nauseous.  It might be the smells to.  Can you try having a smell that doesn't make you nauseaus as a air freshioner?  Finally, you should not be nauseous all the time - you should talk to your doc.
HW 357 SW 341   
on 3/30/12 12:23 pm
 This has been happening to me too! Everytime I see food or think about it I gag..just seeing a food truck today sent me gagging, it's so weird!
on 3/30/12 12:27 pm - TX
RNY on 02/16/12
Kait, call your doctor.  You should not be heaving that way.  Call immediately if you're running a small fever with it.  It could be serious.          Best wishes
on 3/30/12 12:27 pm
 I had surgery the same day as you.  About a month ago nausea so awful I was unable to eat or drink for a few weeks.  Was put in the hospital without food or drink for four days.  Didn't help so I am now on a ng feeding tube to give my pouch complete rest for three weeks.  While the tube placement is awful, I am feeling better and can't wait to eat and drink water again.  Hope my story might help.
on 3/30/12 1:38 pm - FL
RNY on 02/20/12
 I had constant nausea early out . Ended up hospitalized for severe dehydration and my bilirubin levels were really high. Keep an eye on your urine. Mine quickly went from bright yellow to dark amber (within 6 hours.)

I do still wake up nauseous. I think it's from lack of hydration through the night because my mouth is super dry too. If I sip some sugar free kool laid it helps (water plain will cause the heaves you describe) and then getting some protein down shortly after gets me back to normal. 
on 3/30/12 2:04 pm, edited 3/30/12 2:04 pm - VA
I get queasy too. It depends on the food or the smell. I've pretty much been like this on & off since my RNY (2/28/12). It doesn't matter what I liked to eat or aromas I liked before surgery; now, those same things make me queasy. Poultry is one thing (can't eat it; on & off with tolerating the smell). Like so many other OHers, I have trouble with my protein shakes, getting a whole one down in one "sitting." Some days I can do it; others, I am just so queasy, I give up when it's about 7/8 done. We're all around the same amount of time since our surgeries. I read that, as we lose weight so quickly, estrogen is released into our bloodstreams at a faster rate than usual. I know estrogen affects our sense of smell & taste. So just like when we had crazy hormones when we were pregnant, our hormones are crazy now.

My surgeon gave me a prescription for omerprazole (generic for Prilosec) before I left the hospital (I didn't ask for it). I take one capsule every night. I had a terrible time in the hospital with nausea (they kept me an extra day because of it). I think the Prilosec helps me not be so queasy.

We just have to concentrate on getting ALL our water in, taking our vitamins, & trying to get PROTEIN FIRST. Instead of creamy shakes, I tried IsoPure Plus Zero Carb, & let me tell you: I am so happy! It's a small (8oz) bottle, & it's clear. 15g protein each. I got Alpine Punch (love it, not too sweet) & Grape Frost (good, not too sweet, but I like the punch better). It says right on the label EASY TO DIGEST. YOU GOT IT! Thank heaven!

Feel better grrl!

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Hattie T.
on 3/30/12 2:56 pm - Denver, CO
This might not apply to you, but the only time I have been nauseated was when I was low on fluids.

Htaylor46     HW 412, SW 386, CW 309, GW 190      
on 3/31/12 6:03 pm - Gilbert, AZ
VSG on 11/16/10 with
First of all, I feel for you!  I have been a member of the nausea club since surgery 16 1/2 months ago.  I have dry heaved and thrown up more times than I can rhyme or reason to it necessarily.  Here are a few things that help me...

1.  Call your doctor and let them know...and don't let them dismiss your symptoms...there are things they can definitely help you with.
2.  Sublingual zofran (ondansetron) is a med I take that combats the nausea well.  Since I take it under my tongue, its a lot easier than swallowing a med while I am nauseous (always a problem for me!)
3.  Ginger root capsules (as a preventative measure).  I take this every day...some people take peppermint ones...Both are proven to help with nausea...I asked the gastro-enterologist.
4.  I eat and drink what sounds/looks good to me...I have a hard time maintaining my weight because of the nausea so I get in anything that I think I can handle...
5.  Keeping my GERD/acid reflux under control by taking my PPI med daily. (It took awhile to find one that really helped me... I take Protonix 40mg.)  It's amazing how much this issue can play a role in my ability to eat and drink.
6.  Always keeping something in my stomach (I am constantly eating and drinking...small proportions help keep me from heaving...)
7.  Warm liquids (like decaf green tea) feel much better  than room temp or cold ones when I feel icky.  I can drink them quicker too....which helps to keep me hydrated.
8.  Soups and smoothies are much easier to handle than meat on my bad days. 
9.  Not worrying about my carbs...when you are in a calorie deficit anyway, who cares?
10.  Heating pad on my abdomen really helps to calm everything down too.

Hope something on my list may help you!  Message me if you want more info or help!  Take care, Sweetie!
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."  TH Thompson & John Watson
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