Can't eat enough!

on 5/13/12 5:19 pm - IL
Help -
I had my surgery 4/5 and I am NOT meeting my nutritional goals.
If I concentrate on trying to get in the 60-80 grams of protein then I don't eat and fruits or vegetables for that day.  If I eat fruit and/or vegetables(which I love) then I don't get in my protein. I'm scared of losing my already thin hair from not getting in the protein I need. Anyone have any super high protein foods? My doctor mentioned that you can get a pudding from GNC that has 30 grams of protein. Has anyone tried that?
Kat Kat
on 5/13/12 5:25 pm - AZ
Right now stick with getting Protein and Fluids in 1st. The rest will follow in time, just make sure to take all your Vitamins and Supplements.



on 5/13/12 5:50 pm
Everyone's eating plan is different, but I was told not to really focus on fruits in veggies in the beginning, just protein, protein and more protein. All of the protien doesn't have to come from meats. Can come from yogurt, cheese, beans and maybe some of that pudding you mentioned.

I'm guilty of not getting all of my protein in and I'm almost 7 months out. Today I only got about 40 grams in today. I had 5 fish nuggets, immitation crab meat, beans for two meals today. I had some mozzerella and sausage and tomato. I'm too full for a shake and it's almost 1am my time. :-(
on 5/13/12 8:27 pm - OH
You don't need fruits and veggies right now.  You do need the protein.  If you are taking the recommended vitamins (two adult multis, 1500-2000 mg calcium citrate, iron and B12) you will get the nutrients you need without the fruits and veggies.  You can add those things later when you are able to eat more. 

I have not tried the protein pudding from GNC but I've added protein powder to my own pudding.

Are you using protein shakes?

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 5/13/12 10:07 pm - IL
Thanks everyone for your help. I used to be a vegetarian and I LOVE veggies and didn't realize I am not supposed to be concentrating on them right now. I haven't been drinking the protein shakes because I am getting sick of them and I'd rather just drink water. I've been drinking the protein shakes for like 4 - 5 months now. They taste good, I just would rather have water.
on 5/13/12 11:05 pm
I had my surgery 12 days after you and I know right now, because I can only take in so much in one sitting, that I cannot get all the protein I need without the shakes.  I count the shakes as part of my liquid intake. 

You can buy unflavored protein powder and add it to things that don't have a lot, otherwise.  Add a teaspoon to SF pudding or applesauce.

Suzanne    RNY:  4/17/12  -   HW:  267  -   SW: - 256  -   GW:  150           
on 5/14/12 12:04 am - New Carrollton, MD
RNY on 08/22/11 with
Why not drink the shakes AND water?  Or make the shakes WITH water?  I mean the shakes count as liquids so you don't have to wait 30min after drinking them to drink water.  I find that after I finish a shake, I need a bottle of water or else I'm thirsty.  I also make most of my shakes and smoothes with water now and not milk and I like them better that way (I know for most folks that gross).

You're very early out so you need to concentrate on the protein.  When I was early out I "drank" my veggies....I juiced my veggies and mixed in unflavored protein.  Later I added in fresh fruits to my juice mixes.  I couldn't "eat" my veggies because I filled up to fast and I needed the soild space for protein packed food and veggies just wasn't enough.

I think I started adding in more soild veggies at about the 2.5 -3 month mark and now at almost 9 months I eat a LOT of fruits and veggies daily.  I get a serving of fruit and veggies every morning in my green protein smoothie that I make, I eat a serving with lunch, a serving of fruit and/or veggies as a snack and a serving for dinner.  You will get to the point where you can have the fruit and veggies again but in the beginning you have to focus on the protein.
HW & SW: 363     Surgery date: 8/22/11    
on 5/14/12 3:05 am - PA
I use the Power Pak Protein Pudding, espcially around workouts.  It's not bad for a protein source.  It is expensive, about $3.00 a can on sale and comes in boxes of 6.  I can catch a break on it at Vitamin Shoppe from time to time.  It's not as bad as a lot of protein shakes but it doesn't taste like Jello pudding either.  It comes in Vanilla and Chocolate.  Typically in Vitamin Shoppes you can find single cans of it in the front refrigerated section.  It's a large can... you will not be able to eat one can in a setting.. I think they are 9oz.  With surgery on 4/5 you will probably need to divide it into 3 or 4 servings, but it's a sturdy can with a resealable lid.
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