lots of questions. Revision from band to bypass

on 6/20/12 8:55 am - Atlanta, GA
RNY on 12/12/12
I am talking to my doctor on my appointment on july 2nd about revision to RNY. I didnt do alot of research when I got my band and before I have another surgery I want all information I can get to help me make the right decision.

1.) How long is recovery? I want to do it over my break between classes and I will have a month off.

2.) Hair loss. I must say this freaks me out big big big time. I have always been over weight but the one thing I always did have confidence about was my long thich blonde hair. When I got my lap band I was only suppose to stay in the hospital one night. I got my surgery in the morning and that night they did the swallow test where they make sure everything goes down. Well it didnt. I stayed in the hospital for 3 days with nothing going down! Not even my spit after a while. So by the 3rd day my surgeon had to go in and remove that band and put in another one. Well after having surgerys back to back it caused me to get really bad pneumonia. So I had to stay in the hospital for almost 2weeks with all kinds of doctors. I was only 21 at the time (24 now) and I was terrified and traumatized! That being said I didnt lose ANY hair. SOOOOO my question is if I didnt lose then do you think I will wilth the RNY?

3.) What is dumping?

4.) Before my lapband I had a mourning period at the thought of not being able to eat my favorite foods. I mean not even mourning I was terrified about losing the food in my life. At the same time I was super excited about my surgery. Well when I got my band for the first year I did well with not eating certain things ( no thanks to the band by the way I never had restriction from day one) But after 3 years of getting excited for every fill and never having restriction I did give up and went back to my old eating habits. ( However I still cant eat bread or one bite of a french fry)  I was just wondering if anyone else had the same thoughts post op about not being able to eat certain foods and feeling really sad.

5.) What is considered a ligh weight?

6.) Working out. My Aunt got RNY a week before I got my lapband. She was over 500lbs and is now down to about 160 in 3 years. She absoultely does not work out at all and didnt from the begining. I personally want to work out. I am only 24 and for someone being 360 pounds I actually am very active in that I am always out with friends doing things. My issue with working out being so heavy is its so painful. I feel like after I got some of the weight off it would be easier to work out and I would really enjoy it. Now I do water arobics but I would like to do more. So how many of you really work out and how many didnt?

Thanks for any advice or help!

on 6/20/12 9:20 am - OH
1.  Most people are in the hospital for one or two nights with RNY.  Unless you have some kind of complications, you should be able to return to classes in a month.  Most people seem to take two to four weeks off work.

2.  hair loss is common after any surgery.  It's called telogen effluvium.  But some don't lose much at all.  Others do.  I don't think there is any way to predict how much you might lose.

3.  Dumping syndrome is something that happens to some RNY folks if they eat too much sugar.  Only about 30% of RNY folks dump.  The sugar enters their system too quickly and causes a rapid heartrate, dizziness, sweating, stomach pain, sometimes nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

4.  Most people can eat most things after RNY.  There probably aren't many things you won't be able to eat ever again.

5.  I dunno.  I don't think there is any official definition.

6.  I don't exercise much.  I know it would be healthy for me if I did, though.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 6/20/12 11:27 am
1.) How long is recovery? I want to do it over my break between classes and I will have a month off.

2.) Hair loss. I must say this freaks me out big big big time. I have always been over weight but the one thing I always did have confidence about was my long thich blonde hair. When I got my lap band I was only suppose to stay in the hospital one night. I got my surgery in the morning and that night they did the swallow test where they make sure everything goes down. Well it didnt. I stayed in the hospital for 3 days with nothing going down! Not even my spit after a while. So by the 3rd day my surgeon had to go in and remove that band and put in another one. Well after having surgerys back to back it caused me to get really bad pneumonia. So I had to stay in the hospital for almost 2weeks with all kinds of doctors. I was only 21 at the time (24 now) and I was terrified and traumatized! That being said I didnt lose ANY hair. SOOOOO my question is if I didnt lose then do you think I will wilth the RNY?

Amber, i had the revision surgery on Friday and was home Saturday.  I had so much more energy and actually felt good, just was sore

3.) What is dumping? Like Kelli said only 30% dump.  I am a dumper but not all of the time. I was extremely sick the first few months from carbs and natural sugars. that has eased off now but I still have episodes

4.) I honestly can eat anything, including some breads but have to be careful

5.) What is considered a ligh weight? i personally consider a lightweight 220 and lower.

6.) Working out. My Aunt got RNY a week before I got my lapband. She was over 500lbs and is now down to about 160 in 3 years. She absoultely does not work out at all and didnt from the begining. I personally want to work out. I am only 24 and for someone being 360 pounds I actually am very active in that I am always out with friends doing things. My issue with working out being so heavy is its so painful. I feel like after I got some of the weight off it would be easier to work out and I would really enjoy it. Now I do water arobics but I would like to do more. So how many of you really work out and how many didnt?

I exercised frequently. i started walking 2-3 days out of surgery.  i did not start anymore forms of exercise until 6 weeks when dr cleared me.  i think you don't need the exercise so much to lose the weight but to maintain the weight loss.


(deactivated member)
on 6/20/12 12:05 pm - Bay City, MI
1.) How long is recovery? I want to do it over my break between classes and I will have a month off. I went back to teaching after 1.5 weeks. I did stay in the hospital 2 extra days. My white blood cells didn't like the band being removed... and my oxygen wasn't good.

2.) Hair loss. I must say this freaks me out big big big time. I have always been over weight but the one thing I always did have confidence about was my long thich blonde hair. When I got my lap band I was only suppose to stay in the hospital one night. I got my surgery in the morning and that night they did the swallow test where they make sure everything goes down. Well it didnt. I stayed in the hospital for 3 days with nothing going down! Not even my spit after a while. So by the 3rd day my surgeon had to go in and remove that band and put in another one. Well after having surgerys back to back it caused me to get really bad pneumonia. So I had to stay in the hospital for almost 2weeks with all kinds of doctors. I was only 21 at the time (24 now) and I was terrified and traumatized! That being said I didnt lose ANY hair. SOOOOO my question is if I didnt lose then do you think I will wilth the RNY?  Mine hasn't yet... But, if it's the price I have to pay... My curly blond tresses are my beauty. I completely understand!

3.) What is dumping?   I don't dump on natural sugar.  (I'm eating blueberries right now) I haven't eaten anything with more than 12g in one sitting... so I haven't really dumped, but I did have a greasy breakfast patty. I felt gross.

4.) Before my lapband I had a mourning period at the thought of not being able to eat my favorite foods. I mean not even mourning I was terrified about losing the food in my life. At the same time I was super excited about my surgery. Well when I got my band for the first year I did well with not eating certain things ( no thanks to the band by the way I never had restriction from day one) But after 3 years of getting excited for every fill and never having restriction I did give up and went back to my old eating habits. ( However I still cant eat bread or one bite of a french fry)  I was just wondering if anyone else had the same thoughts post op about not being able to eat certain foods and feeling really sad.  Honestly, I'm not mourning food anymore. I did the first week... But now I'm ok. I do get frustrated that it's hard to find something in a drive through or restaurant.  I ask about the grilled fish and chicken and the oil they use... and if butter is added to the steamed veggies. I bring Mrs. Dash and non-dairy fat free creamer in my purse everywhere I go.  I  feel uber aware about the things I'm eating. I feel I have to be, dumping scares me! I'm a sweet freak... But I've found some SF and NSA alternatives that don't make me feel like I'm missing anything. Quantities I'm struggling with, but not food choices. I do miss my diet coke. But as long as I have my coffee... I'm ok ;)

5.) What is considered a ligh weight? I'd say 100 or less to lose?

6.) Working out. My Aunt got RNY a week before I got my lapband. She was over 500lbs and is now down to about 160 in 3 years. She absoultely does not work out at all and didnt from the begining. I personally want to work out. I am only 24 and for someone being 360 pounds I actually am very active in that I am always out with friends doing things. My issue with working out being so heavy is its so painful. I feel like after I got some of the weight off it would be easier to work out and I would really enjoy it. Now I do water arobics but I would like to do more. So how many of you really work out and how many didnt?

I'm just doing Just Dance on the wii 2 times a week. Hopefully I can get into a better routine and go to the gym.
on 6/20/12 12:05 pm - Atlanta, GA
RNY on 12/12/12

Thanks Yall!

Mary B.
on 6/20/12 11:49 pm - Southern, MD
Hi Amber, I'll be two years out in August. Revision from band to rny.

1. Recovery:

I had about 12 days off including surgery day. I had a much harder recovery with rny than band however, thats just me. Do you carry a backpack or anything to class? you should get a roller bag cause you wont want to carry your books. I have a desk job so I was fine coming back to work but I was also in culinary school so I'd leave work, drive to school and carry my knife kit and books and cook in a hot kitchen. That was tough, but thankfully chef let me sit when I needed. I only had 2 weeks of class left before the end of the semester.

2. Hairloss

I didnt lose any hair, but Ive been a very slow loser and still havent reached goal 


I do dump. Not everyone does. Dumping is when your fat/sugar enter your small intestine too quickly (from eating too much fat/sugar at one time). For me dumping causes mostly very nasty nausea and overall sick feeling. foods that make me dump are any type of pudding sugar free or not. Anything really rich or very sugary. Dumping happens soon after eating for me.
I also have reactive hypoglycemia which is when your sugar plummets, caused from  from eating too much sugar (which can not only be just straight up sugar via sweets, but bad carbs as well) and your body overcompensating to balance itself. For me, it causes sweating, shaky feeling, tunnel vision and confusion. This can happen hours later.  
I hope Im not lying to you...Im not a medical person.

4. .I get sad sometimes when I cant finish my plate. PSYCHO~ LOL I think no matter what wls you have there is a feeling of missing food. I miss ice cream, it makes me sick :( BUT, I could easily eat a tub of B&J every day, so it really is a good thing.

5. I want to say a lightweight is cloest to 100 lbs overweight?

6. I work out. I do bootcamp 2x a week and have a trainer 2x a week. I have to. I want to even if I dont outright admit it. It feels good, even if it hurts at the time. It is 'your' time. If it hurts now, try something easy like walking to start. you dont have to get up and start kicking ass right away. Dont push yourself out of your comfort zone until you are completely healed...then if its comfortable...you probably arent working hard enough. 

good luck to you!!  
    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
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