I've been in the hospital

on 7/16/12 4:42 am - MI
RNY on 05/09/12
Last Monday I began having intermittent abdominal pain.  I figured I'd broken the couple
stitches my WL surgeon put in while doing my RNY.  (doggie has foot injury and have been
lifting him in and out of the car to vet appts.) 

Wednesday morning it felt better and I was walking and felt something stab me in the abdomen.
By Thursday morning, I could barely walk, stand up, sit down, laugh, cough, etc. without feeling
this terrible ripping/burning/stabbing pain.  I called my surgeon Friday morning. He was on
vacation until this coming Tuesday.  I tried to wait it out and finally by Saturday evening could not
take it anymore.  I'm one really tough cookie when it comes to pain, but this had me in tears.

So, I made the mistake (IMO) of going to my local ER.  After xrays, morphine (which didn't help
the pain, btw), a cat scan, etc. they determined that I have a  Seroma and some pelvic pleural
effusion.  What is a seroma?  It is a fluid collection that can occur around surgical sites.  It is more
prone to abdominal surgeries and (according to them) are somewhat common.  I don't recall
anyone ever mentioning that as a risk, but then again if they did I'm not so sure I'd remember.

They kept me overnight and had a surgeon consult with me yesterday morning.  I'm not really
sure why I needed the consult since she wasn't going to and didn't drain the seroma.  She 
basically wanted me to check with my surgeon and wait it out.  Oh....did I mention these Seroma
things can take 1 month to 1 year to resolve on their own???  
Ummm....yeah....not real happy
about that SINCE I TOLD THEM MY PAIN WAS A 8-9 OUT OF 10!!!  

Anyhow, the surgeon told me I was clear to go home as long as my labs and UA came back
good.  They did, so I started pushing my nurse to get me out of there.  Four hours later.....yes
four hours....I finally told my nurse if someone didn't get up there to discharge me that I was 
taking my IV out myself and going home, if they weren't going to help my pain.

Get this.....the surgeon cleared me to go, but the Teaching Team (aka...resident docs in training)
wouldn't.  So, I signed myself out.  I might as well be miserable at home, if they're not going to
fix me.  I see my surgeon tomorrow at 3:45p.  Will update you guys then. 

Surgery: 5/9/12              HW: 302           SW:  287.6        CW:  158

Dagne Tripplehorn
on 7/16/12 4:57 am - OR
RNY on 04/06/12
 Good gravy! On top of the awful pain, no help at the hospital. I'm hoping to hear good news from you soon.
on 7/16/12 5:36 am - Canada
Oh man that sucks.... Please tell us how your dr's appt goes tomorrow.... I hope that its something easily fixable.
on 7/16/12 7:17 am
RNY on 08/20/12
That sounds awful!  Sorry you had to deal with that craziness at the hospital along with the pain.  Please keep us posted!
on 7/16/12 7:24 am
Revision on 05/17/12
 Oh not hope you feel better soon!!!  
hw 255 Realize band 2/10 lw 206 (slipped/moved caused lots of pain)
weight pre-op 225 revision RNY 5/17/12
on 7/16/12 7:35 am - TX
sorry to hear that hope you get better.
on 7/16/12 8:01 am
RNY on 05/22/12
Yes, postoperative seromas (and even hematomas) are not all that uncommon. Your surgeon might decide to drain it if it's causing you that much pain, but sometimes they actually resolve better on their own over time. Good luck!
RNY 5/22/12      27.5.bs lost pre-op      
on 7/16/12 8:46 am - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12
I had a seroma so big you could feel it in my belly and see it if I laid on my back it hurt sooooo bad I called my doc and he told me just to wait it out I called again crying he sent me to the ER for a CT to make sure that is what it is. It was. I asked to have it drained they said no i should wait it out. That night when hubby was helping me up from a laying position on the couch I screamed out in pain and it was gone.. it popped or whatever. It was the most horrible pain.

I had them before with my TT and the PS drained it twice a week for 3 weeks so I don't know why they wouldn't just do it but maybe it was so it wouldn't return?

I feel for ya and hope the doc can give you some relief

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

on 7/16/12 10:39 am
Hope u feel better soon pls keep us posted.
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