label help!!!!!

on 7/19/12 6:36 am - Cincinnati, OH
My nutritionist is not in the office right now so I figured I would throw this out here to the experts!!  What on earth should I look at when I'm reading labels?  Thanks everyone!
on 7/19/12 6:48 am - Redwood City, CA
RNY on 04/02/12
 How many grams of protein is there, how many grams of carbs (total carbs minus fiber equals net carbs) how many grams of sugar, how many grams of saturated fat. I eat a lot of nuts which are high in fat, but the majority of the fats are unsaturated. I try to keep my sugar grams at 9 or less per serving. Remember the amount you eat per serving may not be the same as the labels serving amount. If the label says a serving is 1 cup and you only eat a 1/2 cup divide the values by 2.
on 7/19/12 6:58 am - Cincinnati, OH
Thank you so much!!  What number should I look for?  As far as fat grams/saturated fat (is saturated fat what I need to look out for?)
on 7/19/12 8:57 am - Redwood City, CA
RNY on 04/02/12
 According to my doctor's post op plan for months 1 thru 6 post-op I should be getting 27-33 grams of fat daily and after 6 months it is 20 to 25% of your total daily calories. You should check with your doctor or nut to see what their plan is. I so far don't dump on fats, but I do stay within my guidelines and try to keep the majority of fats unsaturated.
on 7/19/12 10:55 am, edited 7/19/12 10:56 am - Canada
I was taught 5-5-5.... don`t eat it if it has more than 5 grams fat and or sugar; eat it if it has more than 5 grams of protein.  I don`t particularly watch the carbs...... most the good for you foods don`t have a lot of carbs  - except beans of all types....If you are looking at the carbs as being high, it is probably something you shouldn`t be eating - like bread, potatoes, rice, crackers....the `bad white stuff`that helps you gain wait and crave more of the same junk.

Lady Lithia
on 7/19/12 11:22 am
The first thing I look at above all is Total carbs... If the total carbs is below 25 grams (depending on the type of food, obviously, I wouldn't expect it to be that high if it was a mostly-meat product). Once I see it is below 25 grams of carbs in the Total Carbohydrate space, then I look at the Sugars space and make sure it is in the single digits. After that i look at the protein if I expect it to be a source of protein for me (and I expect that of most of teh foods I eat). I also look at the FAT on the label, but not always because I got 200 lbs overweight avoiding fat, I don't want to care about FAT ever again.

The next thing I would look at is the Serving Size. Because that's huge... look at these two first examples... one of them is only an OUNCE and yet it's 155 calories. The second is only ONE SPOON... and it's 220 calories (but it is a lot of protein too). Serving size is huge because there isn't a standardized serving size. The people who do the packaging love to make claims "Only 100 calories!" or "Only 2 g of fat!" but when you find that a serving is one spoon??? wow.

More below these examples:

The other day I saw a new beverage, and I always look at labels as most important.... when I looked I saw it was a very reasonable 10 g of carbs (most sugary beverages are 30 to 60 g of carbs)... I approved. Then my glance went up to serving size, and one of the tell-tale things is how many servings in the container.... and when you discover that a 12 ounce beverage with 10 g of carbs has FIVE servings in it? That meant that the bottle had 50 g of sugar. DUMP TRUCK CITY! Notice that the second nutrition lable above also has Sugar Alcohols on it which are supposed to be artificial sweeteners. Frankly, I'd rather dump or have reactive hypoglycemia compared to the gas-pains-from-hell followed by Toxic-Fumes-From-

Below are snack-sized quiche (I don't much like them) and if I saw this label, I'd modify my serving size. Note that one "serving" has 7 appetizer sized quiche. 440 calories. BUT I might look at it and say, "How much protein PER mini-quiche? How many carbs PER mini quiche?"  Note that there are 35 g of carbs per serving, or 7 g per mini-quiche. Also 6 g of sugar, so I'd round that to 1 g per quiche. That's not so bad. Fat is 25 g, so I'd say 3 g per mini quiche. And the protein is about 2.5 g per quiche.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 7/19/12 1:22 pm - Cincinnati, OH
Thank you for that!!!  I appreciate it so much!!!  I was invited to a bday dinner tomorrow night at a restaurant I know nothing about (of course their nutrition info isn't listed anywhere) so I'm really nervous about going, thinking I may have to skip this time around. 
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