This is my last stop, please support me

on 7/24/12 3:15 pm
I got approval by my insurance company (CIGNA) to have Gastric bypass and its covered 100% as long as its with a "center of excellence" and I have to meet with the surgeon for 6 mos.  I am at my all time heaveiest 272 on 5 ft 1 frame. I've talked myself out of this surgery for years , always thinking there is another way, however there is no other way for me. Now that I am on the road to doing this I feel that six mos is agonizing to stay in this body any longer. I am in my own mind "fat", it took me a long time to get my mind to catch up to this point. I walk like an obese person, I have trouble doing things now like TMI wiping my back side. I am absolutey miserable in my own body. I cannot believe I allowed myslef to get here. How did this happen? I judge people who use drugs, "how can they do that to their kids?" well just so happens I was the pot calling the kette black, food  is my drug of choice and it could kill me just like any drug can. Im scared now, im scared I wont wake up in the morning , im scared my kids will find me dead, im scared I will fail them. I have so much living to do. Im so scared, but im scared of not having the surgery , in the past I was scared to HAVE the surgery cause I was afraid i would die from it, Now im afraid I will die if I dont.
I have my 1st appt aug 17 for ekg and blood work etc. then the following the dietician and fitness person.
I have no where left to turn, please someone be here for me, I cant talk to anyone else who will truley understand.

thanks helen
on 7/24/12 3:37 pm
RNY on 09/17/12
Most of us have been in your shoes.  I just finished my 3mth medically supervised diet and when I first started I thought it would take forever....but it didn't.  Now, I have to wait on insurance.  I know how it is to want it NOW when you've finally decided this is it.  I'm the same way....let's hurry up before I change my mind lol.  Hang in there and go to all you appts and you'll find the time passes faster than you think.  Start yourself on a diet will thank yourself later.

on 7/24/12 3:43 pm
Thanks Shannon,

When I am seeing my surgwon for those 6 mos , what will I be doing? diet plans? exercise? i have no clue what to expect. Im shocked they do ekg and blood work 6 weeks in advance.  any info would be appreciated. thanks
Lady Lithia
on 7/24/12 3:42 pm
Helen, I understand where you are now, I was there once. A couple of points I wanted to make.

First and foremost don't flay yourself over your weight. I've come to believe that obesity is, only to a point, an issue of moral lack. For many reasons individuals overeat... as multitudinous as the grains of sand on the beach. But overeating leads to obesity, and at some point, when you get there, your odds of defeating it, no matter how virtuous your eating and diligent your efforts, are close to zero. Don't kick yourself. YOu might have gotten yourself into that no-mans land of obesity from which there is very little chance of getting out of without surgery, but you're now where you need to be so that you can overcome it.

When I first spoke to my insurance provider they neglected to mention the six-month supervised diet. I was almost 7 weeks into the process when I found out about the six-month diet. I was very bummed by it. But ultimately, I think that the six-month supervised diet helped me have a wonderfully smooth transition.

Some of the things I did as I waited through my six-month diet was come here, and read read read.... learn all the ins and outs of teh surgery.

I also made some changes in my life as I went through the six-month diet....

I droppped some of the largest calorie things I was doing.... coca cola and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.

I looked for and found a protein shake I enjoyedd and replaced one or two meals a day with a protein shake (not all doctored up with high calorie exxtra ingredients either)

I started to avoid drinking with meals and after meals for half an hour

I started to make sure my meals coordinated with a "serving size" (even though at my largest I was convinced that serving sizes were a joke) 

I began to avoid the whites: white (and brown) rice, flour, sugar, potatoes. I craaaved these for a while after cutting them from my diet, but I got over it and felt a lot better.

I worked to chew my food longer and better

I tried to eat like a six-month postop --- I wanted to know I could do it! No sense getting sliced and diced if I ccouldn't live the life (though truthfullly from this side, I can say that there's a deep change from the surgery that is hard to understand... it's easier to follow the plan postop than preop)

You will have to work on the mental stuff after surgery but there's no barrier to keep you from working on it preop in preparation.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 7/24/12 3:48 pm
Thanks, I do realize I will be very busy with appts and it will come soon enough, I just cannot believe this is me, im sure everyone says that. I know it needs to start NOW. Thankyou all for just being here, I really need to be here.

thanks so much
on 7/24/12 3:59 pm
RNY on 09/17/12
I agree.  I was put on a 1200cal diet.  It was a radical change from what I was used to eating and if they don't give you a specific number of calories maybe you could just try writing down what you eat during the day and add up those calories (say it's 3000) and cut it in half...or start with 2000 and work your way down.  Give up soda NOW!!!  Especially if you drink full sugar soda.  That alone will help you big time.  I've just made small changes like switching brown rice for white rice....wheat bread for white....not snacking as much and when I do it's stuff like string cheese or almonds.  It's hard and nobody on here will tell you it's not, but you're worth it!

on 7/24/12 6:21 pm - Blairsville, GA
RNY on 07/24/12
Good for you for taking the steps!!

I just had my surgery yesterday after it taking almost a whole year to complete all the processes, steps, and appointments.

I totally understand how you feel! Hugs!
check out my blog:      
on 7/24/12 8:00 pm
RNY on 02/28/12
 The wait is agonizing and feels like forever then one day your surgery date is here and you can't believe it.  I agree with other, use this time to read read read.  See what your surgeon requires per-op and work hard on achieving and maintaining these goals.  Take advantage of this time to begin working on the head stuff.  I found myself a psychologist who has experience with Bariatric patients and began this process early (am still continuing post op).

Good for you for making this positive decision.  This tool will go a long way toward a healthier you.  The rest of the work will be yours to do.

I am 5 months post op and have no regrets.  I haven't felt this good in years!



RNY February 2012

starting BMI 40

on 7/24/12 11:29 pm - OH
Well, we understand.  Welcome to OH.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Heidi T.
on 7/25/12 12:29 am
RNY on 01/31/12
 I can understand where you are comming from. I had the same exact reaction, and fears for the surgery. In fact I cried all the way into the OR and the Surgeon was called out of the OR from the patient before me to check on me because I was so upset. They gave me drugs and I did not remember anything after that.

No matter how scared I got I remebered a few things:

1. This surgery comes with less risk than being fat
2. I am more likely to die younger if I dont have the surgery
3. I hate the weight I am at 
4. I hate the way I look
5. I hate that I cant play with my kiddo the way I want to
6. I hate that I have to sit all of the time 
7. I hate that I cant sleep well
8. I want to live
9. I want to enjoy Life
10. Heck I want to have more of a life, a real life not just a life where I sit back and watch it happen
11. I want to beable to shave my whole legg, not just the part that I could see

The six month diet was a blessing for me. My nut for the first month simply wanted me to logg everything I ate, so that she could review it. I did and at my next appointment she went over the log, and helped me to cut out the really bad stuff, each month I learned more and more of what I should not eat. She was excellent, she never cut me off of everything at once, it was a slow process which was best for me. I also got a really good edcuation about the procedure as well as an edcuation about food. I can not believe how much I really had no clue about. I remember in my first class (group class 2 were required) I had no clue that ham was a processed meat and was bad for you. Man I have learned alot and I really feel like it has helped me get this far. I am six months out (on 7/31) and have lost 122lbs. I am pleased with my results so far, and pleased with myself for making the chages that I have made. My daughter now can wrap her arms around me and her hands touch! she squeezes me!! That alone keeps me going. You can do this, and your six months will be up before you know it, come here for support go to a support group your surgeon has. Trust me when the six months is up and your surgery is scheduled, you will be like, man that went by fast, and get nervous.
Start today as the first day of your new life, cut out one unhealthy thing (soda maybe) and work from there, because as of today you are an active participant in your life, in your recovery. Be present and work for it because you can do it.

  rny 1/30/12              
On 1/30/12 I begain my new healthier life, it is not easy, but day by day I will reach my goals.                
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