
on 8/26/12 1:47 pm - AL
Everybody in my family is overweight, yet everytime I mention the surgery, all I hear is "You can just lose it on your own." There is no doubt that I could lose it because I've done so many times before. The problem is, it always came back. I would like to think that since we are all in the same boat, they would understand my struggle and encourage me to do something that will help change my quality of life. I just don't understand.......
on 8/26/12 1:56 pm
I have the exct same story as you.  I came to the conclusion that it was because they were jealous and wanted to do something about their weight too but was too afraid to actually have the surgery. People that are unhappy with themselves tend to want to see everyone else unhappy too; Misery love company.
I can do this!    
on 8/26/12 1:57 pm
RNY on 02/24/12
I hope you get their support post op.   You could end up an inspiration for other family members.  However, some folks are not willing to change the way they think about food.   I'm at the place where nothing taste as good as thin feels.  I'm in a 16 misses so not really thin yet but it looks and feels a whole lot better than 24W.

Banded  Oct 2008:  290       
RNY Feb 2012:        245    
Dr's set goal:            170 reached Oct 11, 2012
My goal:                     160  reached Dec 1, 2012
Today :                       145-150

I am half the person I was in 2008.

artroxy blue
on 8/26/12 7:17 am, edited 8/26/12 7:18 am - MA
RNY on 08/14/12
 I got that type of response from my mother. I was "big-boned" in her eyes. SMH

In the end, I had to decide for myself which would be a better outcome--the same old way of doing things or surgery? I opted for surgery because there slews slew of health problems up and down my family tree, and I want to avoid as many as possible. 

Your family will come around, and will treat you differently once you stand your ground. It's not a bad thing--it's self-empowerment. ;) 

EDIT: And, start surrounding yourself with people who SUPPORT your decision for surgery. Good luck!
on 8/26/12 2:28 pm - OH
On August 26, 2012 at 8:47 PM Pacific Time, missmeka02 wrote:
Everybody in my family is overweight, yet everytime I mention the surgery, all I hear is "You can just lose it on your own." There is no doubt that I could lose it because I've done so many times before. The problem is, it always came back. I would like to think that since we are all in the same boat, they would understand my struggle and encourage me to do something that will help change my quality of life. I just don't understand.......
Many people don't understand why WLS is so much more effective than dieting.  They probably do believe it's possible to lose weight and keep it off without surgery, or at least want to believe that. 

I would just tell them that you and your doctor agree that surgery is the best way for you to maintain a healthy weight.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 8/26/12 2:39 pm - NC
 Kelly, your advice is always on the mark and delivered with a genuine kindness. I haven't been on the boards very long but you always stand out in your consistent delivery of truth. 

Missmeka, right there with you....though I haven't told anyone but my husband, I know what will be said. The conversations have been had before. Once it is over and done, and I can be the model for them, then I'll probably share. 
on 8/26/12 3:17 pm - AL
Thanks everyone for the positive responses. I hope that I can be an inspiration to my family, but if not I at least know that my life will improve!!!
on 8/26/12 3:40 pm - Colorado Springs, CO
You know, everyone in my family says the same thing!!!  My surgeon told me....."But, how long can you maintain your weight loss?", the times I did successfully lose over 40 lbs. or so.  Obviously at my age, (43), I am wanting something more permanent this time around.  Honestly, for me, I think they ALL say it because they are afraid of losing me.  Maybe your family feels the same???  Not everyone is "jealous" of you becoming thin like a lot of people may think, they may just be scared for you.
(deactivated member)
on 8/26/12 5:46 pm, edited 8/25/12 10:50 pm

You are already one step ahead of the game by recognizing that yes, all the weight we lost it came right back. You are in a different place than they are, now. If you are thinking of surgery, research, come here because you will get tons of support. I don't know if you remember, but many years ago Oprah had lost all her weight on that liquid diet. She caught so much negative flack for losing the weight and now her audience couldn't relate to her, because so many people out there watching her were having to battle their own weight demons. Many people find comfort in numbers and when we are all overweight and one steps out of the group, watch out!!! So just keep up your positive desire to change your life. Keep us posted and we are here for you! Take care, Jane

Sherrie P.
on 8/26/12 6:22 pm
RNY on 02/06/13
My therapist says it is because of their own issues with weight.  If they could lose it the "old fashioned way" than why don't they?

It's like people who don't quit smoking, yet claim they can whenever they want to.

She also says to remember it is YOUR journey - not theirs!!

Good luck!!

Revision Lapband to RNY 2-6-2013   HW: 286  Pre-Op Diet: 277  Surgery Day: 265  Goal: 155  CW: 155

Plastic surgery 8/28/2014: Brachioplasty, mastopexy, & abdominoplasty.

Plastic surgery 1/27/2015: Butt Lift


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