Dumped out of the blue today

on 9/19/12 5:10 pm
So 2 years out next month.   I have not dumped in a long time.  Today.  Had blood work this a.m.  then drank protien shake at 10 or 10:30.

ate 1/2 sandwhich from Jimmy Johns at 12 and then later a piece of chicken.

Ate 2 little packs of sweets. I have had these several times before.  Notice Im not disclosing what. 

I know better but I haven't got sick in so long!!  doesn't even seem like i had the surgery.

Oh but did my body fool me today.

I had a 1 hour dumping episode at work.  probable should have went home.

One of these days i will learn. 



on 9/19/12 5:13 pm - Medford, MA
Revision on 10/29/12
 Ugg, sorry you experienced this. There is early and late dumping. As time goes by your experience with dumping my change. For me, 7 yrs out, I get rapid heart beat, sweaty, and shaky.

Stefanie - RNY 5.31.0 BOB revision 10.29.12

SW 234/CW 190/GW 160

Dave Chambers
on 9/19/12 6:39 pm - Mira Loma, CA

I've dumped 2-3 times post op. Anxiety, profuse sweating, rapid heart beat--just plain uncomfortable feeling. NEVER say NEVER in regards to dumping. You may tolerate the same food several times, and then have an issue.  Your "secret" sweet may not be a good idea when out of your home?? DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

on 9/19/12 9:00 pm
My guess is being short a pint made you more suseptible to dumping.



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