How do you cook for your family after WSL

on 10/2/12 10:14 am - OH
I was reading a post about always thinking about food, now I'm concerned.  I have tons of cook books.  Started a folder after my notebook got filled up. 

I watch the food network and love love love Michael Symon. I never thought about if/how I was going to change that.  What do you all post-ops do about cooking for your family?  You can't taste your cooking - can you?  Does it drive you crazy?

RNY 10/29/12   HW:  295   SW: 273    DGW: 170   MGW: 145


on 10/2/12 10:33 am - TX
RNY on 07/30/12
I am 9 weeks post op...I cook for my family...I taste as necessary...I have not had any issues at all...I also like to cook and am just learning how to make recipes more WLS friendly   my family has not complained at all

Learning to eat to live, NOT living to eat....    
Lisa W.
on 10/2/12 10:52 am - Fort Worth, TX
RNY on 08/22/12
 I am 6 weeks post op and am cooking for my family. It bothered me at first, but now I am able to taste what I am cooking.I only had one bad episode when I tasted some chicken. My bite was not chewed enough and it got stuck. It is definately an adjustment. Good Luck!!
(deactivated member)
on 10/2/12 10:53 am
I only have my husband to cook for. Until this year he had never cooked a meal in his life. Once I decided to pursue surgery I started teaching him how to cook. Every weekend (it was less in the beginning) I have him cook with me so he knows how to make things he likes. We also cook things I will be able to eat once I am on regular foods again so I won't always be making the meals. He does complain a bit about having to cook since he is the one who works, but he understands that it will help me so he is going with it.

Do you think your husband would go along with something like that? Maybe cook on the weekends to take some of the burden off of you?
on 10/4/12 8:08 am - OH
He already cooks  It isn't pretty. He just mixes everything up.  Always one pot meal when he is finished.  LOL   He cooks on busy weekends where we have been out all day in the garden, barn or such.  Now my son is 16 and should really learn to cook anyway so you may have hit on something there. 

RNY 10/29/12   HW:  295   SW: 273    DGW: 170   MGW: 145


artroxy blue
on 10/2/12 11:04 am - MA
RNY on 08/14/12
 I'm having a hard time figuring how much to cook. Since I eat so little now, and my husband doesn't always eat leftovers, I'm finding I'm throwing more food away than before--even if I pare down recipes. Also, I'm not cooking some of our old standbys because they're too carb dense. 

As far as tasting things, I do taste on occasion. I usually ask my husband to try something because my taste buds are kind of wacky right now. I really want super-salty stuff! LOL
on 10/2/12 11:21 am - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12
I made country fried pork chops tonight for dinner for the DH and 4 kiddos here... didn't bother me one bit personally. I just enjoyed watching them enjoy it. Then I sat down and ate my chicken with them.

Do I miss some things some times... yep. Enough for it to really bother me.. nope.

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5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

on 10/2/12 11:43 am
When I decided to pursue WLS my husband and I made some lifestyle and diet changes. We began eating high protein, lower carb, and cut out all the processed and white junk. He lost 50lbs, I lost 20 before my surgery. So I had already adjusted our household cooking to a pretty WLS friendly diet. The only thing I do is make a whole grain pasta, brown rice, or potato side that I don't eat at this point. I don't need the protein-less bulk, but they need it to fill out their meals. I look forward to being able to eat enough to add salads back into my meals, but for now its not a possibility.

Heather   Mom to 3  
Surgery August 9, 2012
HW = 225, SW= 205, CW 135 


on 10/2/12 1:52 pm - CA
RNY on 06/11/12
Luckily Hub does a lot of cooking and since the girls are older and working and going to school we do a lot of "Fend for yourself" nights around here.   I do cook meals on occasions and I try to keep it pretty simple and healthier then before. I figure they can benifit from it as well.



on 10/2/12 2:01 pm
 My husband is so easy.  In 53 years of marriage he has never complained about one meal, honest!  Naturally he is the "Jack Spratt" of the family and needs a few carbs.  As far as meals go, for a long time I have been cooking for my diabetes and have learned how to use flavorings and herbs, skimmed milk, lean meat, less salt, fresh vegetables and less fried entrees.  I smoke turkey and chicken frequently and have several meals with a variety of recipes.   Better choices don't have to be difficult and can taste much better.

We do have a B & B so I do taste but I count that as part of my meal and don't over eat.  We sometimes join the guests and mostly join in on the conversation.
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