
on 10/3/12 12:32 pm - OH
RNY on 09/24/12
I had my surgery a week and half ago.  My nutrionist wants me to get in 60-80oz of protein a day along with 48-64 oz of water a day.  So far I'm losing almost 2.5lbs a day, but I am never hungry.  When I drink water it hurts.  Did this happen to anyone else.  I'm having such a hard time getting my required protein in a day.  Also my doctor wants me to walk.  I was told to wait 7 days before driving so I did and I ran some errands but I was so tired after each stop.  In the grocery store I almost sat down in one of those carts to drive around, but I have too much digity for that and walked leaning heavily on the cart.   I tried 2 days later and I got so tired again just walking around in the store for 20 minutes and then going up and down a few steps.  Is this normal?   The most I've weighed is 429lbs, I got it down to 403 before the surgery and I've never felt winded or tired doing regular walking and shopping.  Right now I feel lazy because I can't walk and I feel like my hair is going to fall out any second if  I don't get my 60oz of protein in.  So any advice would be greatly appreciated.  
on 10/3/12 1:51 pm
RNY on 09/24/12
 Wish I had some answered for you!  I noticed your surg date was 9/24, same day as mine...  I'm having the same issues as you.  Trying it figure out what I can eat/drink.  It feels like everything might come back up.  I still think I'm drinking to fast, but its so hard to slow down when I am used to Jude guzzling down a coke ;). I had a few days where I felt so tired and still do when I go out for a while.  I just take breaks while walking in walmart or local mall. I'm sure you could find somewhere in the grocery store to sit.  I've done the same as you also, used my sons stroller to "hold me up" when I felt exhausted.  Ohh and you just had major surg if ya feel you need to use one of those carts on wheels go for it!
SW 248 GW 130
RNY done 9/24/2012    
on 10/3/12 1:56 pm
Revision on 07/05/16
Make sure you get your fluids in first, because dehydration can happen quicker (days) than a protein deficiency (months). Your rapid loss of 2.5 lbs a day is mostly fluid. In the beginning, you're not going to feel hungry, but need to work towards your protein goal. This may take several weeks. Cold fluids sometimes make your pouch uncomfortable, so try room temp. I also think you over did your activity with errands and grocery shopping. You had major surgery 10 days ago, so you will tire easily. I rode the skooter when shopping, but I also had a knee injury! I suggest you break up your activity/walking/exercise through out the day. Everyone is different, but it was about 4 weeks, before I felt better. Most surgeons don't want you doing any strenious exercise until after you're healed...around 6 weeks

HW322 SW296 GW150 LW196 

RNY 8-29-11

Revision to Distal bypass 7-5-16

SW262 GW165 

John 3:16



on 10/3/12 2:05 pm - OH
RNY on 09/24/12
 Thank you for your response.  I now know what my priorities are.  Water first and then my protein I will certainly stop feeling bad about not being able to squeeze my 60oz in.  I also feel a lot better about the exercise. The first day I went and had my eye glasses repaired, went to the post office, then a department store, and then food shopping.  None of those places I even parked anywhere near the entrance because I thought I needed the exercise.  I think I will slow it down because afterwards I need to lay down for a while when I get home to recoup. 
on 10/3/12 2:00 pm
 A lot of people have problems drinking water in the beginning.  Try changing how you drink it.  If you normally drin**** water then drink it warm or hot.  I did well with peppermint tea.  You are only a week and a half out from major surgery.  Try to take it easy and give yourself time to recover.  Run one errand a day or one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  Allow yourself time to be lazy.  Your body will thank you for it later.  Divide your protein shakes up throughout the day.  You don't have to drink an entire shake in one setting.  At this point concentrate on doing the best you can.  In time you will be able to get all your protein.  Hair falling out is part of WLS.  Accept that it is going to happen and know that it will grow back.  
Darcy S.
on 10/3/12 9:48 pm - Clinton, CT
Sounds like u over did it. Try walking a mile a day around the block. Break it up into short walks a few times a day and other than that rest. You just had major surgery and you need to heal. But keep getting up to move too.

Some people's hair stays mine did. It got a little thinner but no major complaints. Get the protein in by sipping all day.

Congrats on the surgery and remember this is just one step of the whole journey and it gets so much easier!

 Decision made weight 265  SW 249 CW 153  9/4/12 next goal 145lbs  OMG                                

on 10/4/12 12:19 am
RNY on 08/08/12
What you are experienceing sounds very normal to me! They want us to exercise after surgery and its probably a good idea to start right away but I know for me it was just to much. My exersize when I was 2 weeks out was going to CVS and having to leave half way threw my shopping trip because I was just too tierd to go on any more! I am 2 months out now and feel more back to normal....can run a ton of errands at once, go for 15 minute walks, and the like. But for the first 6 weeks I was VERY tired and I think thats normal. Do what you can, do the best you can, and I think thats what counts. It WILL get better and your energy will slowly come back!! Good luck!

Surgery Date: August 8th, 2012
HW: 285 / Surgery Day Weight: 274 / CW: 237.5 / Goal Weight: 160


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