Gained 20 lbs and feel like a HOT mess!!

on 10/8/12 4:52 am - GA
 You are not alone, this happens when we get to comfortable and for me that is when I forget. I too have gained 20lbs. I am in the process of getting back on track, I went to the OH conference this weekend and it was very informative. I found out from one of the vendors that had RNY surgery that this happened to her. One thing that she suggested that helped her to get back on track, was that she journals whatever she ate and it helped her to see where she was making unhealthy choices and got back on track with the exercises and nutrients. I will be going to see my surgeon in the morning and hopefully he has a plan. I took a plan that a member on another site is using to jump start her weigh loss and I am waiting for the book to take to my doctor to see if it is alright for me to use. I will pray that we get back to losing. If we are not where we started we still have a chance on losing, just stay hopeful, I know you can do it.  


on 10/8/12 5:25 am
I know!! Journaling is soo important, I start then after a week or so, stop!! I don't know, I even have several apps for the iphone I've tried so it's sooo easy!! But yet, I don't know!  I was thinking of joining WW to go to the meetings weekly just to be accountable, I really think i need that!!
Citizen Kim
on 10/8/12 5:15 am - Castle Rock, CO
I think very few of us have not gained a pound or 3 more than we wanted.   Good for you for recognising it at 20lbs and not 30, 40 or 50!!!!

This is so easy to lose - follow the lifestyle (no crazy liquid diets) and move more ...  We all know it's what we are *supposed* to do, it's just that we get off track from time to time!

I know that + or - 15lbs is a jeans size for me (I love in CO!) so I get that you are freaked about 20 ... Personally, if I go extra high protein and extra low carb and step up the exercise I can lose 3-5lbs a week - maybe 6-8 weeks to drop 20lbs?   That muffin top can be gone by Christmas!!!!!

Good luck!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 10/8/12 5:37 am
I am going to up my proteins and get cracking on the exercise again!!  It is crazy how 20 lbs can show soo easily now!  It was never like that at 290!  LOL!
Laura in Texas
on 10/8/12 5:17 am

By the 3 year mark it is extremely common to regain so you are not alone. Don't beat yourself up over it. Forgive yourself and move on from here. That was the biggest lesson I had to learn throughout this whole process. Today is a new day. Track your food and exercise. You can do this!!

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 10/8/12 5:27 am
Thank you so much for the encouragement!  You look awesome by the way!!  I've read your post and seen your pics through the years, you are really keeping it on track!!  I would appreciate any advice!!
Laura in Texas
on 10/8/12 6:01 am
Thanks for your kind words. I work hard to stay at my goal weight. I track my food most days and I exercise. I gained 10 pounds at the 2 year mark but worked hard to lose it. Now if I hit +3 above my goal I cut bac****il I lose them again. You can do it, too!! Hang in there!!

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 10/8/12 6:55 am - Moorhead, MN
Your post was like you were taking the words outta my mouth when I read it! I came to the boards today looking for a common soul in my spot - just like this. I too have regained, actually closer to 30#'s since my very lowest post surgery weight. And I too notice it WAY more now than I did at 273! Eesh!
I was at a size 4 at my lowest, happier at a size 6, but am now a sad size 10, sometimes 12 depending on the day and brand.
I am mad at myself but clearly unmotivated to make the changes I want and need to make. I'm a super tired mother of two, working full time, and am alone parenting most evenings with children as my husband works two jobs.
I feel like no matter how hard I try there is just NO more hours left in the evening and not a drop of energy or motivation to do a bit of exercise when the time becomes available (usually not til 9pm)...then I'm ready for bed!!
Carbs are my bad too as I eat what I can when I can, its just portions are small(er). Plus, I have my new "addiction" is wine. I have a couple glasses of wine almost every night. :/
I have a desk job and sit a lot - not helping. I look down at my "thigh-butt" as I call it and it's growing. I look down at my belly while sitting on the edge of the bed at night with my girls and its bulging...its just the slippery slope I am on right now...and I dont' like it.
I have the Bariatric Advantage protein powder at home. Just not sure what's the healthiest way to use it to lose. I really need to find some time to exercise...more than the time - the energy and motivation. :S
Good luck to you and your daily journey. Together we CAN do it!!!!
      Began my journey in 2008 at 246#....lost 111#...have regaind about 35#'s of which I am currently trying to rectify!
on 10/8/12 9:36 am - CA
RNY on 05/31/12
Well........I am still early out.  I had surgery on May 31, and I have lost only 40 pounds.  In the past 6-8 weeks the scale has bounced between 180-184.5 over and over.  I've been so discouraged.  I had to be honest with myself and snap myself out of the fact that it's ok to much on half a bag of cheese-its at my desk at work because "it sits well".  I can eat a few florets of broccoli with a tsp of ranch for taste and that sits ok too I really have no excuse.  I decided yesterday to go back to basics.  I woke up last night and being the obsessed with the scale girl that I am, I stepped on it and saw 179.8.  This morning it was 180.2......but the fact that I saw 179.8 on the scale was promising enough for me to want to stick to the basics and keep on with the exercise again.  I still can't even imagine myself at goal....and I think that's what's getting this as good as it's going to get for me?  All that agony of surgery and my complications and I'm only going to lose 40 pounds? 

Thinking of it that way makes it a heck of a lot easier to get back on my plan.  It doesn't hurt that I'm going to my support group after work today too.  I need to be more responsible and hold myself more accountable! 

I'm sure you'll get back to where you were, and it's only 20 pounds....YOU CAN DO IT!! And, I'd really like to get this 40-45 pounds off of me so I can finally get to my goal!!!!

HW: (265 in 2007) Consult weight: 247 SW: 221 CW:151.8 GW:140     

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 10/8/12 11:12 am - OH
Yes, when you are heavy, 20 pounds means very little in terms of how you look and how your clothes fit (one of the reasons that I had to lose 50 pounds before I lost a full clothing size!), but when you are a normal sized person, 20 pounds can be the difference between a 10 and a 14 (or a 6 and a 10)!

Just eliminate the extra carbs (especially if you are eating the cheese thingy every morning!), and increase the protein and water. When my weight creeps up 5 pounds that is what I do. As Kim said, no need to go back to liquids, just go back to basics of protein first and a limited carb (no carbs that are not dairy, veggie, or beans, and limit the fruit and whole grain carbs) diet.

You can get those 20 pounds off.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

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