"Buyer's Remorse"????

on 11/6/12 11:09 am

I am one week post op & I AM SCARED!! I think I thought that someday I would be able to eat with my family again, just not as much. BUT now i am seeing all this information about dumping and getting sick on regular food and I am thinking I will never be "normal" again???? PLEASE tell me the real truth here. I mean I am following doctors orders and aside from feeling full and no appetite, I am doing pretty good. BUT I was hoping that someday I can eat something besides protein and water!! :-(


on 11/6/12 11:12 am
RNY on 09/17/12

You will!!  I'm sitting here eating (yes it's late) chicken with lemon pepper sauteed zucchini, onions and carrots.  I've had some potatoes too!!  I know it's hard right now.  Those first 2wks are THE hardest.  You will start to transition sooner than you think and you will be able to sit with your family again at your table or out.  Hang in there.

HW: 260 SW: 254 DOS:227 CW: 175   27lbs lost before surgery

on 11/6/12 11:14 am

Thank you! I have no problem eating healthy (you're food sounds delish!!) I just want to eat "normal". 


on 11/6/12 11:28 am
RNY on 10/24/12

The first two weeks sucks. Not going to lie. I just got advance to pretty much soft foods today and it gave me hope that within the next 6-8 weeks I will be eating very differently. Hang in there, it gets better! :)


on 11/6/12 11:30 am - PA
RNY on 08/06/12

The first 4 weeks were the hardest for me. Once I got past the 4th week, I noticed things were easier for me. I am 3 months out and still can't eat a lot but its getting better. I felt the same way in the beginning.

Hang in there.


on 11/6/12 12:06 pm - Sacramento, CA
I think the first couple of weeks are hardest. But don't worry it gets easier. My first couple of weeks were the hardest because of the cream of crap that I had to eat. But now things are so much easier! I can eat pretty much what anyone else can eat. I'm just careful with sugars and carbs. Other than that I eat mostly everything.

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



on 11/6/12 12:36 pm - Brighton, IL
You will get to eat normal with your family again before you know it. Your new pouch is like a babies stomach that is why you have to start out with mushy stuff. I am 10 weeks out and tonight I went out to eat at the Chinese buffet with my hubby. I didn't eat my moneys worth but had some good salmon and crab. I felt completely normal and you will too! Hang in there.
on 11/6/12 12:54 pm - ND

Buyers remorse lasted about 3 weeks for me. I'm now about a month and a half out and am glad I went through with it.

on 11/6/12 7:51 pm - FL

I just don't know where all the myths about eating post op come from...

I eat and drink normally. Everyone I personally know who has had this surgery also eats normally.

Yes, there is a healing period you must cross thorough, but once you're on the other side, there is no reason to think that you are not going to be able to enjoy most foods. 

on 11/6/12 8:15 pm

I had my surgury last December and the first couple weeks were extra hard because of all the holiday food but I am now almost 11 months and eat "normally". You will always have to make healthy choices, get your protein, drink your water and take your vitamins.

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