Gas! Seriously, WTH???? You do NOT want to come in here!

Mary Catherine
on 12/6/12 3:06 pm

Gas rises up in the body and picks up the smells, then it leaks back out with a lot of odor and noise.  If you can get your head lower than your behind, the gas will go away.  It will rise up and leave and nobody will even know.  This is very simple.  If you are in bed, hang your head and shoulders over the side of the bed keeping the rest of your body higher than the head.  Or lie on the floor with your feet up against the wall and raise your legs and butt until your head is lower than your butt.

In a situation with people, just bend down a few minutes like you are tying your shoes.  This only takes a few seconds and all of the gas will be gone and it will be silent and odorless when you release it this way.  When ga****s, the worst thing you can do is sit or stand.  It will keep going up in your body.  You want your butt to be the highest point on your body for a minute or so.   Once you learn to do this, you will never have to suffer through loud, smelly gas again.

on 12/6/12 7:48 pm - NH

I'm going to try this, but I'm not very hopeful. If I wasn't already single I sure would be soon!

High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009

Megan S.
on 12/7/12 1:04 am - Baltimore, MD
RNY on 03/07/13

Then why is it and never fails that at the end of my Zumba class when I bend over to stretch my legs with my head down, I have to pass gas?

Lisa T.
on 12/6/12 10:46 pm - Indianapolis, IN
RNY on 06/07/12

You are not alone.  It's the protein shakes that give me smelly gas.  Usually I blame the dog, or the cat, or my husband, or my daughter....they are all fair game.  A family that farts together stays together :)

Height 4'11"  HW:  235  SW:  230  GW:  130   RNY 6/7/12   




on 12/6/12 11:13 pm - Rochester, NY

when i am going to have a sugar alcohol thing that i want, but dont' want to kill my family with the results, i take something called devrom.  they have a chewable one and it works wonderful.  i ordered it online.

Follow my vegan transition at
HW:288    CW:146.4   GW: 140    RNY: 12/22/11  


on 12/6/12 11:35 pm - Canada

Oh, I hear you!  I have my moments too and I have never smelled such stinky toots.  Plus they are a lot noisier too, go figure.  I have narrowed it down to chewing too much sugar-free gum.  I think I am swallowing too much air and saliva along with the sugar alcohols.  My two young sons howl with laughter, my husband just shakes his head and we all gag at the smell.  It's brutal! 

By the way, I have two 14+ Chihuahuas! :-)


  I'm 5 ft 7.5 inches tall... 
 "The best way to predict your future is to create it."                   
~ Unknown       

Mary Catherine
on 12/6/12 11:44 pm

Before I learned the trick of getting my head lower than my butt for a few seconds, I carried Gas-X everywhere.  I avoided carbs, took probiotics, Devrom, activated charcoal tablets, wore Flat-D activated charcoal pads in my panties , kept air fresheners in purse, car and every room.  I had given up all diary and avoided broccoli, cabbage, apples, oranges, anything that I knew could cause gas.  I talked to my doctor about it.  I had farting episodes at dances, exercise class, and bubbles in the tub and swimming pool.    

I had read about humans passing gas many times a day.  I seemed to have much more than others, even before surgery.

Now I know exactly what to do.  Just figure out how  to get my head down for a few seconds.  I tie my shoes or tug at my boots or socks if in public.  You can go to a quiet grocery aisle and bend down to tie your shoes.  Nobody knows that they almost got blasted with noxious gas.   I wish someone had shared this with me years ago.  I can enjoy any foods I want with no consequences. I don't take  probioltics, don't take Gas-X and no longer worry about this. I know it sounds too simple and easy, but it works.

on 12/7/12 12:44 am


I totally understand what you are going through.  My husband lived in a frat house during college and said that was tame compared to living with me.  I, too, await the divorce papers.  I am six years out from surgery and my farts have gotten WORSE since surgery, if you can believe that.  The more time out I have the worse the farts get.  Mine are loud and disgusting.  Since I have the same sense of humor that God graced an adolescent boy I think it's hilarious.  My husband, however, does not.  Everything I eat seems to bring on the gas and it always starts in the evening- right when he gets home from work.  Taking any form of gas medications just makes it worse.  I tried Beano but that didn't work either.  I don't know what to tell you as far as how to stop it but I certainly can sympathsize with you and your family.  Good luck to all of you!!


on 12/7/12 1:37 am - Greenwood, IN

My wife has had the same problem and I got her a product called "Devrom" It has really helped a lot! She takes two in the morning and two in the evening. Might give that a try.

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