My first ever NSV...(i didnt even know what that was 3 months ago)

on 1/6/13 12:05 pm - MI

I have an appointment with the surgeon on the 15th.

Since November I have...

quit smoking

stopped snacking

only drink water or tea (and a lot of it)

lost 38 lbs!

AND despite being extremely proud of all of was yesterday when I realized my jeans looked TERRIBLE on me that I finally saw results...I went through all of the old jeans and tops and was able to donate a bunch...I am down 2 sizes!

And, more importantly...I feel great!


on 1/6/13 12:07 pm - MN
RNY on 06/21/12

Wow, congratulations on all your success! :)

HW: 270   SW: 245   CW: 172  GW: 160 then we'll see  



on 1/6/13 12:20 pm
RNY on 12/18/12

Score! I can't wait to start moving down sizes.

on 1/6/13 2:33 pm - UT
RNY on 09/05/12


  I believe in me...the best is yet to be!                        
on 1/6/13 3:51 pm - CA

Thats awesome its a great feeling keep up the great work , FYI watch the tea intake it will dehydrate you....  good job cant wait to see pics:) take care


Best Thing in the world I ever Did:) thank you Dr.Peter Crookes and Stacee Cutter for being my back bone to this:)))))
