fistula plug-

on 1/10/13 2:20 pm, edited 1/10/13 2:31 pm

I had RNY 6 years ago and developed a fistula early on so have not had a successful surgery. I went to see a surgeon yesterday who told me about plugging the fistula by doing an EGD . They would go in and close the fistula with a type of glue. This would make it possible for me to have my restriction back and basically restoring my RNY. I would be able to lose enough weight to be a little healthier when I have my revision done.

Has anyone ever had this done or have you heard about it before? Just curious to know how will this works.



on 1/10/13 10:06 pm

sorry,thats one i havent heard of,but good luck i hope they can help you be succesful:)

