Overwhelmed By Success...Advice Needed

on 1/10/13 9:31 pm - GA
RNY on 07/31/12

I am by no means done with my journey, but am so proud of how far I have come.  In a little over 5 months since my July 31st surgery, I have lost over 60 pounds.  Great right?  But I am having trouble dealing with the success.  There are 2 major areas that are a struggle for me right now: Getting rid of clothes and compliments.

I am currently smaller than I ever have been my adult life.  Because of that, my formally "skinny" clothes are all too big.  I have a huge pile in my office waiting to be donated but am having such a hard time getting rid of them.  I have already gotten rid of my first batch a few months ago.  Those were easy for me because they were the clothes I was so embarrassed to have had to buy.  But now I need to get rid of the clothes that are my old "skinny" clothes!  The clothes that I felt I was at my best in!  It is almost too much to handle knowing I am now smaller than that.  This huge pile has been waiting to be donated for a month and I know I have to do it, but the emotional ties are really strong.  Anyone else dealing or have dealt with this?  I know I just need to do it, but how do you handle the emotions?

The other area of struggle for me is all the compliments I am getting.  I know this makes me sound really stuck up, but I swear I am not.  I am a teacher and this is our first week back from winter break.  This week especially, it seems every time I go out in the hall, people are saying how good I look.  Some people who I have never even talked to before.  Don't get me wrong, it is so flattering and really nice, but it is overwhelming me.  Some people want to know what I am doing, so I made a decision a while ago to be honest and share that I had surgery.  Most reactions are positive, but now I feel life I am under a spotlight.  I am just not used to all of this attention.  How do you handle this emotionally? 

I have not been motivated this week and really had to push myself to workout yesterday.  I don't want to "get in my head" about these issues anymore!  I could use some advice and wisdom from you all!

Pupcake !.
on 1/10/13 9:39 pm - Stranded in, IA
The compliments are easy. I just smiled and said "thank you!".

My favorite clothes I thinned down to the most expensive/compete favorites and put them in a storage tub.

When you feel comfortable that you will never wear them, go through the tub with nostalgia then take to goodwill.

Even if you regain they will be out of style by then

Congrats. (Smile and say "thank you)


No surgery has been harmed/defamed by the writer of this post.  
RNY 10/28/03 305# 8/11/04 147#  9 years out and >75% EWL!

on 1/10/13 9:51 pm

I am pretty much EXACTLY where you are right now.  My surgery was Aug 9th, so same time frame.  I've lost about 65lbs, so same significant loss.  I'm a professor, so I'm just returning from break and dealing with tons of compliments as well, since we've been off for a month they seem to really be able to notice the differences.    In my garage I have 8 garbage bags filled with clothes I've outgrown (slimmed out of??) but have not been able to pull the trigger to bring them to goodwill.  I still have plenty of clothes that are too big to wear in my closet, but I look at them and think about how impossible it is to believe I can't wear them anymore, and I'm stuck.   

I'm working on these issues.  I'd really love to have my closet organized with it easy to find only things that fit me.   Yesterday I tried on size 8 jeans and they zipped and fit -- OMG -- I FREAKED out, but didn't buy them.   And yet I still have size 14 and 16 jeans in my closet, because I can't imagine giving up my old "skinny jeans".

So I feel everything you are saying.  I wish I had answers, but perhaps this is a normal part of the process.  We'll get there.  Its a very good thing!!!!!!   We lost it so fast that our mental picture of ourselves has to catch up.   


Heather   Mom to 3  
Surgery August 9, 2012
HW = 225, SW= 205, CW 135 


on 1/11/13 12:13 am - GA
RNY on 07/31/12

I have about that many garbage bags too!  Makes me kinda sick to think about how much money that is!  Hopefully the clothes will go to people *****ally need them...once I get the guts to take them to goodwill or a support group!  Keep me posted on how you are doing with this too!

on 1/10/13 9:52 pm - Sacramento, CA
Like the poster before me said, just say "thank you". Nothing to it.

And the clothes... Just think of it like this. You're making space for new clothes! I know it's hard. I had a super hard time going through my stuff and getting rid of stuff. I had my best friend cone over and help me. Maybe you can have a friend help you out?

The clothes I really loved I gave to people I know needed it and would actually use.

The rest went to my support group and they were grateful, cause a lot of them were pre op or recently post op and they could use some new clothes cause their clothes was getting to big.

So maybe find a support group I your area and offer to bring clothes. Maybe they can do a clothing exchange.

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



on 1/11/13 12:07 am - GA
RNY on 07/31/12

That is a good idea to bring some clothes to the support group!

Calla Lily
on 1/10/13 10:04 pm
RNY on 01/23/12

I went through both of those as well. When it was time do get rid of my clothing I invited a few women my former size over to help them self to my closet. At first I was excited to see their excitement riffling through my clothing, then out of know where I busted out into tears! It was surprisingly emotional for me to see all my favorites being shoved into bags. And even this Wednesday my sons girlfriend came over to go through my size 6/9 items that now no longer fit me. It was much easier getting rid of clothing I have only owned for a few months, and felt totally surreal that I was giving away tiny clothing that were too big for me. This time around was awesome, no tears this time... Other then on my bank account lol over the last year having to buy all size 10/12 only to give them away, and then buying all 6/9 only to give away... Then having to buy yet another wardrobe of 0 upto 4 lol  crazy!

with compliments, I still have a very hard time accepting. It is very overwhelming having people say I look great, or what have you. At first I found myself deflecting them, saying things like thank you but I still have a long way to go... The last time I said that, my friend was with me, this was just like 2 weeks ago, and she said to me, do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? I said what do you mean? She going you are so small, like obviously small... So when you say you have a long way to go, it doesn't make sense! So now I just say thank you, you look great as well lol

so I totally had the hard time saying good bye to my favorite clothing, but the further out you get, it is so much easier to get rid of the new clothing you will outgrow... And with the compliments I just have to remind myself that I deserve them, and try not to deflect them :) congrats on your success!

RNY 01/23/12, HW 265, CW 115, Height 5'6"


on 1/11/13 12:17 am - GA
RNY on 07/31/12

Agreed on the bank account!  Sooo much money!  Congrats on your success as well!  It is inspiring!

on 1/10/13 10:07 pm - OR
RNY on 10/09/12

I think I know what you mean. I need to clean out my closet too. But I keep thinking I might need those clothes in case I fail. I can't help thinking it.

Jilly Bean
on 1/10/13 10:15 pm - IN
RNY on 07/09/12

I threw away EVERYTHING!  It felt great.  No more fat clothes in my closet.


Surgery weight:  232 lbs. / Goal: 145 lbs. Height:  5'5"     Fat? Ain't nobody got time for that.


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