
on 1/14/13 5:16 am

When does the scale drop for the 1st time? I realize the IV fluids in the hospital can make you weigh more upon discharge than when you went in, but I only left with 1 extra pound, so I'm kind of waiting,lol...


I know I shouldn't be concerned 5 days out, but I've waited so long for this. I honestly haven't looked  at scale since Saturday, that's why I'm curious. I doubt I can wait till my 1st dr. appt on the 21st, but I'm gonna try to only weigh on Fridays. 4 more days :) Lol


Highest weight 332, Consult weight 325, Surgery weight 316


on 1/14/13 5:21 am - Jordan, NY
RNY on 12/20/12

The day I came home, I weighed 1 pound more than when I left!  I waited, knowing that the excess fluids would not be good.  Give it a week, at least!  Congratulations and good luck!!

RNY on 12/20/12 at 307.  Highest ever 326 pounds.  Goal weight 180 pounds.


on 1/14/13 5:26 am

Thank you! :)


Highest weight 332, Consult weight 325, Surgery weight 316


Debbie W.
on 1/14/13 5:35 am
RNY on 12/11/12

I weight 5-6 lbs more, but dropped it after 3-4 days, everyone is different i hear.


Oxford Comma Hag
on 1/14/13 5:52 am

They must have weighed me before I left the hospital, but I cannot remember it. The first time I stepped on the scale was at six days post op. I was out of the habit of weighing myself, and only did so under duress until surgery. But for some reason I walked upstairs and weighed (my weight had gone down since surgery).

The scale is definitely a double-edge sword, so do not tie all your emotions to it. It can get very easy to look to the scale for validation. But then if it doesn't move downward it can be disheartening. Also, no matter how fast you lose, it seems that someone is always losing faster, so take others' loss in stride.

Okay, I'm hopping off the old soap box and taking it with me.

Good luck and take care

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

on 1/14/13 8:27 am
RNY on 12/18/12

I gained 5 pounds in the hospital and was devasted. After the first week being home it was gone plus 5 more, but then the scale seemed to stop. I was weighing everyday because I desperately want validation that I'm not failing and didn't do this for nothing. It was depressing. I weighed myself one morning and got a 10 lb weight loss from the day before (which I knew was a big fat lie) so I reset the scale and tried again. It said I had lost 3 lbs, and I was exstatic so I reset and tried one more time for validation; said I gained 3 lbs. I had a breakdown on here and to family members and decided that my scale is a liar and I will weigh once a week at the doctor's office. I just walk up to the desk and say can I go weight; they laugh and let me. Good luck. 

on 1/14/13 10:45 am
Revision on 07/05/16

I gained 12 lbs in the hospital and it took 8 days to lose.  I had been on BP med that was a diuretic, however, I am a slow loser and lost 12 lbs the first month (not counting the extra fluid).  It is good that you're weighing once a week.  Also, don't forget there is a 3 week plateau. 

HW322 SW296 GW150 LW196 

RNY 8-29-11

Revision to Distal bypass 7-5-16

SW262 GW165 

John 3:16



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