ATTENTON: All February RNYs...

on 1/22/13 6:50 am - Chicago, IL
VSG on 02/04/13

Come and join our Facebook group! It's a private group so only members can see posts. It is very convenient for frequent Facebook users with notifications and so forth. Here's the link:!/groups/523528284344273/

There is also a January group. For those of you who are and have been scheduled for Jan, feel free to join! Here's the link for that:!/groups/285696348219301/

                  HW: 397 SW: 370 CW: 285

on 1/22/13 6:58 am - Orient, OH
RNY on 01/28/13

Thanks for the link. My surgery is the 28th (yikes, that's in 6 days!), so I joined the January group.


I would rather live my life believing there is a God, and die to find out there's not, than to live my life as if there were no God, and die to find out there is ~ source unknown ~ 


on 1/22/13 7:15 am
RNY on 01/29/13

same here!

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