did anyone regret getting the bypass?

on 2/2/13 4:25 pm

so here i am writing this. it's been only 5 days since i had the operation and from the get go i have been feeling regret. i don't know why. everyone keeps telling me to look at the whole picture. how right now it's hard. i mean for me its real hard with the pain. and the not eating while watching and smelling all the food in the house! i knew i was a food a holic but i didn't realize how much food played in my life, the role i let it have, rather the control i let it have over me. it's like everywhere you turn someone is eating something. on tv for example with all the food commericials. going out to celebrate with friends is always around food. i just regret getting it done. but it's done. maybe i need some encouraging words from people who have been in my shoes.

so far it hasn't been easy, but i know i have it better than others. the day after i got home from the hospital i was suppose to start the full liquid, protien shakes...pudding ect...so i did and at the end of the day i was dying. i was vomiting and the bathroom at the sametime. sorry to be gross but i t was horrible. and the pain.

i know in  my  head, that after a few more days of drinking water (doctor said go back to clear for a couple more days) and after i can eat some real food, even just soup i will be better. i will feel more normal. and the drain i have is grossing out my family...lol

but i have to say. the support i have been getting from my family is amazing. i am really blessed. i just have to look at the big picture but i would still like to hear from people who might have felt regret at first but then after was happy they did it. and i need to be reminded that i will be able to eat basically all the foods i did before (just with moderation and that is what i need to learn and is key)

thanks for letting me rant. i needed to get it off my chest.


on 2/2/13 5:30 pm, edited 2/2/13 5:35 pm - Murrieta, CA
RNY on 12/10/12

Hi Barbara,

It is normal to have regrets in the beginning its call buyer's remorse. You're not the only one who has gone through it. Its like buying a new car and realizing if you made the right choice or if you got ripped off. I am 7 weeks post op and in the beginning it was hard for me too. Especially with my family eating my favorite foods in front of me and me not being able to eat what they were eating. I had my surgery right before Christmas and New Year's and I regretted getting it done because I was not able to eat all that good food for the holidays. I kept thinking what a big mistake I had made. But now I am so glad I had my surgery. I feel so much better and I've lost 24 lbs. since my last doctor's visit. Things will get better for you believe me. Things got better for me after I started my soft foods phase which has more food choices to choose from. Sorry to hear you are having a hard time with your recovery. I am truly blessed that my recovery has been good and I haven't had any problems. I too have a wonderful family who has been very supportive and has helped me so much with my recovery I don't know what I would have done without them. I'll be praying for you that your recovery and outlook gets better. Good luck to you 



on 2/3/13 1:49 am
Thank you and I'm glad you haven't had problems, mine are minor . Supposedly the scale said I lost like 13 lbs but I don't believe it. Ill see when I go to docs. And I would have been bummed too getting the surgery before all the feasting but it made you stronger.
on 2/2/13 8:17 pm - Marlboro, MA

I am sorry you are feeling this way.  I think that almost everyone has a feeling of regret at some point in their journey.  I promise that it will get better. 

For me, the feeling did not pass for a few months. The first time I was able to carry my niece and nephew up to bed.  The first time I went shopping and was able to purchase clothes in "regular" sizes. ( I was a snug 22-24 now 6-8).  The compliments from friends and coworkers.Being able to walk up the stairs at work instead of taking the elevator. I could go on with personal NSV but I think you get the point.

These things made "missing" out on my favorite foods all worth it.   I realized (and hopefully you will too) that my life no longer revolved around food. But it was more about feeling good and being healthy.

Hopefully you will soon get past the "buyers remose" and celebrate the benefits. Good Luck and keep your chin up.  It will get better




on 2/3/13 1:51 am
True I am going to make a list of all the things I can't do now because of food. Keep up the great work
on 2/2/13 8:39 pm

It is normal to feel that way.it gets better and easier. When you are able to eat real food it will make you feel a lil better. This is a psychological journey. You can't just break up with food and not be emotional. I cried at Pizza Hut commercials :(

counseling has helped mea too.

on 2/3/13 1:52 am
I def see myself mourning the loss of food but as someone mentioned we need to think of all we are gaining thank you
on 2/2/13 9:01 pm - PA
RNY on 08/06/12
Hi Barbara!!!
Just like the others have said, it really does get better. I had a few complications early out, including a blockage and second surgery. I wanted to take it all back!!! I hated myself for doing this. I couldn't believe my need to be healthy and thin had brought me to this much pain and misery. I dreamt about food, I once cried when my daughter brought home McDonald's. She took it in her bedroom to eat, but that smell...... I still have not had McDonald's and really don't care too. Please understand that it does get better. Sometimes when I see a candy bar or a whole cake I get a little regretful, but then I look at myself and that regret goes away. I am 6 months out and was a size 22 pants and 2/3 XL shirt. I now wear a size 9 jeans and m/l shirt. I am off of metformin for pre diabetes and my cholesterol medicine. Last labs my bad cholesterol was down by almost half!!!! Good luck to you and remember it does get better. You did this for your health. The pain does go away. Take care.


Sara O.
on 2/2/13 10:31 pm - NC
RNY on 03/12/12

Hi Barbara. At 5 days out you're currently at the worst stage and its understandable that you're feeling like this, but you won't regret it once it gets better(which will be soon). The first month is the hardest and then after that its like you're a new you. The hairloss might get to you but the rest of your body will feel better. At almost 11 months postop I have zero regrets. After surgery I developed pneumonia and had to stay in the hospital an extra week and had my first and last episode of "buyer's remorse". I was in so much pain I cried and said it was a mistake, but no more than 5 minutes later I was over it. The big picture for me is the weightloss, the looking normal, and the possibility of having children one day(something I couldn't do at 224 lbs because of my PCOS). Now at 133 I am close to goal and healthy enough to get pregnant when I want to in the future. Everyone has their own reasons for having the surgery, but if its what you really want and you follow your surgeon's plan you'll never regret the surgery. Its like a second chance at life. I spent my whole life being ridiculed for being an overweight child and teen. Now at 22 I am a new person. People don't stare at me with judging eyes, they check me out. People don't look at me with disgust when I eat, they wonder how I can stand to eat so little and healthy. People treat me like I'm normal for the first time in my life. I could never imagine regretting my RNY.

In conclusion, follow your surgeon's plan and enjoy the compliments you'll be getting in the future. It sucks now, but it will get better.



on 2/2/13 10:32 pm
RNY on 10/24/12

I had buyers remorse for a couple of weeks until I really started to see the weight loss. It is very normal to feel that way.  Not everyone feels the regret but a lot of people do. 

Just know that the first two weeks are the most difficult. Keep your head up and realize it does get better. I am 14.5 weeks post op now and 106 pounds lighter. 69 pounds since surgery. No regrets. :) 


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