One week and 3 days out and....

on 3/14/13 12:05 pm - FL
I've only lost 1 freaking lb! I'm so discouraged! I lost 18lbs before surgery. When I weighed in on surgery date I was 309 tonight I got on the scale and I only weight 308! I'm struggling to get my protein in. Please help!
on 3/14/13 12:10 pm - angier, NC
RNY on 09/17/12

You can gain about 10-15 pound while in the hospital. Just give it time. Protein will be hard to get in for a while. We were told first 30 days try for 30 grams, push more if you can but if not then just try to get 1 shake in a day. Then just keep adding more.

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Pictures: Pre-op, 1 year post op, 2 years post op.

on 3/14/13 9:41 pm
RNY on 02/13/13

The first week I didn't lose that much but the second weeks I lose 10+ lbs.  So hang in there.  I lose 20 lbs prior to surgery. 

on 3/14/13 9:54 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12

you've actually lost all the weight you gained in the hospital plus one pound so you're doing well! To give you an example I had outpatien hernia surgery in Dec. I came home and weighed 9 pounds more the next morning. That was only being hooked to IV for 12 hours. Imagine how many fluids were pumped into you at your stay. Plus swelling, fluid build up from healing etc. You should start seeing weight loss this week. Hang in there!

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5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

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