5 days post op - not getting enough liquid

on 4/29/13 2:35 am - FL
Hey y'all

I'm officially 5 days post op! Yay!
The pain isn't as bad as I was expecting. Just the gas pains are very uncomfortable. I only take pain meds before bed.
The problem I am having is not getting in enough liquid. I absolutely hate chicken broth -_-
Any advice? My surgeon makes us be in a 10 day clear liquid diet post op before switching us to full liquids -.- I miss chewing food. No so much eating bc I'm
Never hungry. Just chewing lol
on 4/29/13 3:22 am - VA
RNY on 03/26/13

I just had 8 (8oz) bottles that I filled up daily and I tried to drink one an hour and when I first started I used a 1oz shot glass to pour into so that I wouldn't drink too much at one time. Supposedly sugar free popsicles count as well and those are pretty good and you can chew them if you don't have sensitive teeth.

[Highest: 303] [Surgery Day: 295] [Current: 199.8] [Goal: 180][To Go: 19.8[Height: 5' 8"]

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Brenda S.
on 4/29/13 4:02 am - FL
RNY on 04/09/13
Sugar free popcicles and sugar free jello both count as clear liquids and give you some texture to chew. I learned early out that adding some lemon juice to my water or unsweetened ice tea helps me enjoy it a little more. Congrats on your surgery!!


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