Miserable at last

on 4/24/13 3:36 pm

So I knew this morning I was a bit off when I cried during an episode of Charmed. Tonight I am losing it. Surgery was a week ago and I should be further along. I'm not walking enough and I don't usually want to eat and I'm not getting enough protein or fluids. I'm sick of sleeping in a recliner but can't manage my side yet. I'm so tired. I haven't been able to get on schedule with my routine meds, like Synthroid, and now I read that I can never have pasta again. (Why?) Just a little overwhelmed tonight. Whine whine whine . . .



on 4/24/13 3:48 pm
RNY on 04/02/13 with

Aw... been there.  It took me longer than the average bear to stop hurting, and I'm STILL taking a single dose of pain meds at night for surgery-related hip pain.  It gets better.  Just not as quickly as any of us would like!  Please try not to judge yourself for where you are - everyone is so different with this surgery, there's no point in comparisons.  Your body is going to heal, but it will do so on its own schedule.  Which is perfectly okay.  Me, I'd LOVE to be able to be on the treadmill by now (3 weeks post-op), but it's looking like I'm going to have to wait for week 4 to be on the safe side.  Which is okay.  I marvel when I see posts of people doing full-blown cardio exercise like 1 week out, but hold onto the idea that it's okay that my body isn't there yet, and that I'll get there/am getting there, and that I'll have the rest of my life to be cursing my ability to exercise (grin), that one more week really in the grand scheme of things isn't going to make an iota of difference.  For now, focus on fluids and on getting your meds in on schedule.  That's step one. 


on 4/24/13 4:07 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12

Hormones are raging from healing the estrogen dump from fat loss, and crying is not uncommon let it out when you need to.

I never walked at the hospital, barely walked the first week other than to the bathroom, do what you can as you can it will get easier I promise.

Work on your water and protein to the best of your ability. Water is the most important right now build your protein as you can many have issues getting out in. it was a month I think before I got even close to my protein in, and still didn't many days.

Now as for pasta, it's a personal decision for most, some get sick from it and can't eat it, but that's true of many foods. I can't eat filet mignon, or roast beef, two of my fave things. Maybe I'll never be able to but I'll live.

Food is a very personal choice. Some say they'll never eat the whites again, pasta, rice, bread, potatoes. I prefer not to think of any food as bad,but I know my addictions and limitations, I choose to limit pasta to a few noodles with spaghetti because it's a trigger to overeating for me. Potatoes on the other hand aren't and I eat them in moderation, 1-2 times a week if I choose to. Funny but I can go Weeks without them now. You have to figure out what works for you and your lifestyle in the long run. For some that means never, for others it's when they want, cutting them out when they're losing. Just do you when you figure you out. I would suggest avoiding them early out save the space for protein and maximize the weight loss during your honeymoon.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

on 4/24/13 6:15 pm - Jacksonville , FL
RNY on 04/08/13


Oh, my, you could be describing me!  I'm just over 2 weeks out and last night I cried (literally sobbed) when I saw something on TV about the movie "Ghost" and I just fell apart because Patrick Swayze is dead.  That's been happening a lot, just about every day this week - also crying because another actor (watching WAY too much TV) is getting old and gray and looks terrible - good grief!  I either don't want to eat at all and can't get my protein in, or just had an incident where I ate too much too fast and whoa, pain and vomiting.  Not pretty.  Ugh, ugh, ugh.  Can't sleep on my side either, and now I'm having insomnia - sleeping for 2 hours then wide awake, even with taking ambien.  Hate every protein drink I've tried, all disgusting.  And I'm trying to work out a schedule for my Synthroid and other meds and the vitamins too.

So, yeah, I'm whining too, big time!  We'll get through these early days, we just have to hang in there.  Just keep sipping on your fluids, gradually increase your protein, and know that this WILL get better.  It has to.  There are so many vets here that prove we can do this, we just need to be patient.

I hope you're feeling better soon.  And I'm sure some day we will, if we choose, be able to have pasta.




on 4/24/13 6:43 pm - FL
RNY on 04/17/13

Speaking for the men here, I guess it is not just a ladies thing. My wife left me a card yesterday about how great I am doing, and you got it, I cried. 

I am doing pretty good with liquids and protein, but lack of sleep is killing me. I am writing this at 4:39am, and I have been up since 2:30am. I already had a left hip and back problem prior to surgery that was making sleep difficult. Now, I am having burning and pain in my right thigh when I lie on my back. I need my sleep and hope this resolves soon.

  RNY - 4/17/13     HW - 463  SW - 428  CW - 263

on 4/24/13 9:01 pm - VA
RNY on 03/26/13

Ask your PCP about Tramadol and make sure to clear it with your surgeon as well. I have had some pretty serious hip and knee pain for a few years. I went to the doctor about my hip about 6 months ago. I had an MRI done and I was told that I have narrow hip sockets which has ruined my right hip to the point that I am bone on bone and my left hip is not far behind. I am only 43 and the doctor told me he would not perform hip surgery at my age because I am still working and would just wear the hip out too quickly. He said the weight was also an issue, but even if I lost all the weight he still wouldn't do it. I am hoping that the weight loss will help a little and it is starting to help.

I was taking 1200-1600mg of Ibuprofen per day before surgery and was told that with RNY I could no longer take Ibuprofen. My PCP and I experimented with a few prescriptions before I landed on Tramadol. It doesn't take away the inflammation, but it really helps with the pain. I am currently taking 50mg 3x a day and the next time I see my PCP I will be asking to go to 100mg 3x per day. I tried that once and it was amazing how well it worked on the pain. 50mg 3x per day was about 90-95% as effective as the Ibuprofen.

I got a little emotional too the first week I was home from the hospital too. It's all good now. I think that being back to work has helped that a little since now I concentrate more on work stuff instead of RNY stuff.

[Highest: 303] [Surgery Day: 295] [Current: 199.8] [Goal: 180][To Go: 19.8[Height: 5' 8"]

  I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve   

  I have a history of losing my shirt Barenaked Ladies - One Week

on 4/24/13 9:52 pm - Jacksonville , FL
RNY on 04/08/13


Thanks for pitching in on behalf of all the men here.  Makes me feel better to know this is a common occurrence.  I'm sorry you're having so much pain.  And the lack of sleep is just wicked - yes, I was up at 4:30 this morning too.  Hang in there!



on 4/24/13 7:34 pm - CA
It will be ok. I am almost 2 weeks out, I don't want enough, drink enough or get enough protein. I am just doing the best that I can. Just do that.

The crying thing will get better soon. I promise! You can eat pasta again some day, it is just not the best choice since it fills your pouch so fast. There are tons of alternatives though.

If you ever want to talk, feel free to message me

RNY Surgery was on 4/12/2013. Now currently on the Never hungry ever bench

Starting weight: 320lbs

Current Weight:  203lbs


on 4/24/13 7:37 pm - NH

I was going to post almost the same thing as MrsLitch! Hormones ARE stored in fat cells and are being released in excessive amounts. Be aware that alone can cause sobbing without any of the other factors. 

Pasta.......I LOVED pasta, it was my favorite food group right along with garlic (yes, more than candy, chocolate or sugar). Now I DO have pasta but use Dreamfields pasta because of the low digest able carbs. I waited until I had lost the weight and was doing well in maintaining before I tried to add that favorite. My picky kids can't tell the difference between regular pasta and Dreamfields, so now it is all I use, but only maybe a couple of times a month.

Things WILL improve and you will feel good again soon. Give yourself a big break! 

Martha enlightened

High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009

on 4/24/13 9:46 pm - Jacksonville , FL
RNY on 04/08/13

Thanks for your post, Martha.  You are always so reassuring and make so much sense it makes me feel better just to read your posts!  Appreciate your taking the time to respond to us newbies.  And thanks for the info on Dreamfields pasta - I'll store it away for the future.

I'm sure Anchors will also appreciate your info!




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