Don't judge....attacked a fudge brownie sundae

MyLady Heidi
on 5/19/13 4:03 am

What can I say, it's already done.  What I can say is the way to really make people talk about you is make it to goal and look beautiful and ignore the haters.  You will always have haters, that's life, I prefer to harness it into something more positive.  The best revenge is looking and feeling great.

on 5/19/13 4:14 am - Germany
It's hard sometimes. I'm here alone no family. Just a husband and kids. So the friend I made I attend to depend on them for encouragement. Also to use them has way to talk out my feelings. It's hard now because I know I can tell her anything because she's jealous and negative. So I guest i have to find other friends. I'm not a person who likes making new friends or putting myself out there.
on 5/19/13 4:26 am - lebanon, TN
Your hubby can be that friend for you and if not there is always skype with old friends from the states. Or good old fashion journal ing but yeah I would find a counselor to talk to.
MyLady Heidi
on 5/19/13 10:08 am

Talk about your wls and feelings here where it is safe.  People get sick of hearing about it in the real world.  You never cheat anyone but yourself by cheating and eating crap.  You have to focus on the prize ahead.  You can do it.

on 5/19/13 4:43 am - WA
RNY on 01/18/12

If only they could perform surgery on our brains.  But, alas.  I am over a year out and I have to work at controlling emotional eating every day.  Counseling definitely helps!  I highly recommend it.  Your surgical team may be able to recommend someone who specializes in eating issues.  My therapist doesn't, so it's not like they *have* to specialize, but I'm sure it couldn't hurt.

Remember, this is YOUR life. You don't have to let other people's bad behavior drive you to ice cream. You can choose to let others control you, or you can take the reins in your own hands.  I'm not saying it is easy to let go of anger, but the power to do it is in you.  It really is!

Oh, and one mistake does not a lifetime make - you are not doomed to failure because you did one thing you regret.  Put it behind you and move forward.  We believe in you!

on 5/19/13 4:52 am

Wow, and you didn't dump? Lucky break! Don't be too hard on yourself. Everyone slips.

"I'm pleasant, but I have issues." - MST3K

Start weight: 290 lbs.
Current weight: 205 lbs.

Surgery date: April 15, 2013

Jennifer D.
on 5/19/13 5:38 am - Wareham, MA
RNY on 06/15/12

1) So sorry that you caved.  I tried a sundae once.... on a date... and slept from about 10 minutes after I finished until the next morning LOL.  I occasionally treat myself to something, but I learned my lesson on that one.  I now get a cone of sugar free frozen yogurt with one of those hard shell dips when I'm desperate, 200 calories, it doesn't make me sick, and I feel "better" rather than worse when I'm done.

2) I know it wasn't really about the sundae, but anything you could get to fill that hole inside that you felt.  This might sound crazy, but I've begun to think of that hole as a bottomless pit.  No amount of crap I eat can ever come close to filling the hole, so I seldom make it my coping choice.  I try to call someone or do something...

3) Do you have an option to practice yoga there? I am a very anxious and rushed person by nature and the yoga practice really helps me to stay centered many a time I would freak out.  I wouldn't have believed it before I try it, but maybe give it a shot?


Band #1... 2006 Band #2 (revision) 2008 RNY 6/15/12 (revision).    Third time is the charm!  7/30/13 BL/TT/Thigh Lipo.  THE END!!!

on 5/19/13 5:45 am - Germany
Thanks you guys. i'm going to take all advice on here and use it next time i feel myself vulnerable. I have been working out. I will try more yoga. Still no side effect. Felt a tiny bit of nausea. But that all. I'm like little kid I knew I did wrong. I wanted to be on punishment. Nothing so far.
on 5/19/13 5:58 am - PA
RNY on 04/09/13

I could feel your upsetment I had the emotional problems last week with my hubby. I took my dog and went for a 4 hr drive, I tour some open houses in the area and went to home depot and several other places and by the grace of God I didn't pull in at any place to get anything to eat...that in itself is a blessing for me. OK this happened starting now is a new day and get yourself back on track the sooner the better otherwise it will be harder for you. We are human and we do make mistakes but don't beat yourself up over it. Just try to do the best that you can.  HUGS

on 5/19/13 8:10 am

“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”
Nelson Mandela


I love this quote- becuase I can apply it to so many situations...Your eating that brownie sundae was like eating poison to hurt your "friend" and in a way-your husband. I so agree with the comment that no matter what food you picked- that hole in your heart would not have been filled.

I think that other woman is jealous and insecure- you are losing weight & she is not! This woman has her own issues- don't give her that much power to hurt your heart- and sabotage your weight loss/gaining health journey! I know you said making friends was difficult- but sometimes it'**** or miss as far as whether a friendship works- and this is a miss. 

My old Weigh****chers lecturer used to say about "oopses"- "Count it as a vegetable- and MOVE ON! ". You can't undo the choice- just need to learn from it and move on. You are strong and making progress towards your goals! : )



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