OT - cellulitis

on 6/12/13 10:31 pm - TX
RNY on 01/24/13
Has anyone had this. My husband was diagnosed with it yesterday and it is a new thing for us. I can't imagine how he got this nasty thing. It is his right leg. He is at the diagnostic unit this morning for a Doppler ultrasound to be sure there is not a blood clot involved also. The doctor doesn't think so. He took the first antibiotic last night and another this morning and says he feels 100% better. That is a pretty drastic improvement in a short time but he is responding well to treatment. Anyway just thought I would ask. I am reading up on it.



on 6/13/13 2:19 am

I had it on one leg before RNY.  It was the last straw that made me go forward for surgery.  I went to the dermatologist who said it was due to diabetes or varicose veins.  She gave me a topical medicine and wholly endorsed RNY.  That was the start to getting healthy for me.

on 6/13/13 2:32 am - TX
RNY on 01/24/13
It is so odd because he has no medical issue that would lead toward this. No diabetes, no varicose veins, overweight by maybe 20 lbs if that, no compromised immune system that we know of. It just came out of nowhere. He does not work in the dirt with a cut on his leg - no yard work for this guy ever. So another medical mystery I guess. The antibiotics seem to be working well as he said he feels 100% better today after just 3 pills. So this is good. Just curious what others say. Thanks for the response.



on 6/13/13 3:41 am

My skin was really dry and flaky and ordinary lotion didn't help so I decided to really scrub it and must have gotten some germs in it.  The possible ways that it might spread to my face and the danger if it did scared me so I'm happy to have seen a good dermatologist.

on 6/13/13 3:48 am - TX
RNY on 01/24/13

I know his skin is dry.  Maybe he scrubbed too hard in the shower too.  I will ask.  I know he didn't use lotion though.  I read on the Internet if left untreated you can actually  die of the infection if it gets very deep rooted in your system.  Very scary stuff.  Glad no blood clot is in the leg.  Just let this antibiotic do its thing.



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